Chapter 23: Missing You

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London P.O.V

Jace. That's all I can think about. He's been on my mind since the day he left, which was a week ago. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and all I've been doing is not talking and helping mom and dad cook. They've tried to get me to talk but it's no use, I'm not the same without Jace.

Everyday I wish I got to spend more time with him. And everyday he's not here is the more I miss him. I miss everything about him.
I miss his touch, his kisses, his smile, his deep blue eyes, his hugs, everything. Maybe if he was here then I wouldn't be like this, suffering because he's not here.

I hate this feeling knowing he'll never come back. Knowing I can't touch him. Everyday I read our old conversations and I just loose controll. I break down in sobs and don't stop until I fall asleep.

I even listen to his favorite songs. I was done helping my parents for the day so I went up stairs. I sat in my chair by my desk and looked out the window. I wonder if I would have known when he left, would I act the same. Probably not, I would still miss him a lot.

Why did he have to leave? He could have started school like everyone else. What am I suppose to do without him now? How am I suppose to live without him in my life. That's the problem I can't.

He's my everything. Being without him is like a person without emotion. I need him, I love him. Without him I'm like dirt, which is what I feel like right now.


I was still looking out my window when my dad called me in the living. I lazily got up and slowly walked downstairs. When I got down the stairs the smell of food filled my nostrils. Mom and dad was sitting in the living room with worried expression on their faces. I sat across from them and waited for them to talk.

"London sweet heart," my mom started," me and your father are really worried about you."

"You've been in your room since you left school for Thanksgiving break and you've barely talked. Also you barely speak to anyone." my dad said.

"I'm just not in the mood to speak to anyone," I said softly almost as a whisper.

"Sweetheart we understand you miss Jace, but he'll come back." Mom said.

"How would you know mom? He's never coming back. He promised he'll stay with me and left. I'm nothing without him." I yelled and ran upstairs.

I slammed my door, locked it and sat in my chair by the window. By now my tears were coming down my cheeks. I never fwlt so hurt in my life. I miss him so much.

"Lon, please open the door and talk to us?" my mom yelled. I didn't responde so she yelled some more. When she finally figured out I wasn't going to open the door she went away. I just sat there and starred out my window until it got dark.

I wanted to go to sleep but all I would do is think about Jace. Some days I wouldn't even go to sleep. I would just stay up and wait for Jace to come back, but now I know that won't ever happen any time soon. So for now I'm just stuck here heart broken and lonely.

Jace P.O.V

London London London.

She's all I can think about. Ever since I left she's been on my mind. I miss her so much. I miss her scent, her laugh,her kisses, her beautiful eyes, her lovely smile, I miss everything about London.

Ever since I've been here at military school it's been hell. I barely sleep, my muscles and body hurt and I had to cut my hair. But I can't complain, this is what I wanted. I wanted to do this so I can have a better chance at life.

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