Chapter 5: London's Date with Jayden

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After I left out of Paris room I went downstairs and when I opened the door Jayden was standing there with black suit on. When his eyes fell upon me his jaw dropped.

"L-London y-you l-look a-amazing," he said shuttering.

"And you look rather handsome in your suit." I said. He held out his hand and I took it. We walked to the car and he held the door open for me like a gentlemen. He closed the door and got in the drivers side. He started the car and we were off. Through out the ride he was singing, and he sounded amazing. His voice was so soft and gentle.

By the end if the song we stopped in front of a restaurant. He got out and opened the door for me. I grabbed his hand and he guided me inside.

"Hello how may I help you." The lady at the front seat said.

"Yes reservation for two please." Jayden said.

"Name please," she as she looked at her paper.

"Jayden Daniels."

"Oh yes here you are" she said " follow me." We followed her and she guided us towards a table. We sat sat down and told her our drinks. A few minutes later she came with our drinks and Jayden ordered our food.

As I was looking around the restaurant, I saw Jayden starring at me hungrily."What?"

He looked at me and smiled."I can't keep my eyes off of you. You look"

"So what?" I asked giggling.

"So sexy," he answered as he looked at me. I looked away trying not to blush, avoiding his piercing blue eyes. The waiter came over with our food and placed it on the table. We dug in immediately wasting no time.

As we were eating Jayden told me so much about him. He can sing and dance. His favorite color is white, he said because white is undefined. After I told him some stuff about me we finished our food and he paid. We left the restaurant and got in his car drove somewhere else. He didn't tell where we were going. He only told me it was a surprise, and I love surprises.

The came to a stop and I looked out the window but it was too dark. We got out and he intertwined our fingers. I followed him on an elevator. When it came to a stop we got out. I looked around and my eyes went wide. We were on the tallest building in the city. As I moved closer to the edge I looked down and it look amazing.

"Jayden why are you doing this?" I asked stunned.

He smiled and said." Well I felt bad for not texting you back. That day I had to work and now I'm making it up to you."

"Well thank you. This is beautiful." She hugged him.

"Your beautiful." He said.

He took out his phone and pulled me closer. He put it on his camera and told me to smile. I looked at the camera and smiled. We took lots of pictures and I told him to send me all of them. He soon turned on some music and we stated dancing. He was terrible at dancing but he still tried as I laughed at him. We spent almost 2 hours laughing and dancing.

We left the building and got in his car and drove to one last place. It looked like a karaoke place. He parked the car and we got out. We walked in the place and it was crowned. Jayden got us a table in the front and then he went someone. When he came back he was smiling mischievously.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked.

"Oh I might have out your name on the list to go next. And you have dancers to help you." He said still smiling.

"What!! Why? I can't sing," I said freaking out.

He just laughed." Yes you can I heard you in the car singing. You have a beautiful voice."

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