Chapter 4: School/Paris' Date

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Finally today has come. Tonight I go on my date with Hayden. But the part that sucks is that I have to go to school today. I woke up extra early so I can find my outfit for my date. I took my outfit and put it in my bed.

I took a shower and when I was done I wrapped a towel around my body. I left my hair wet and let it dry o its own. I sat at my vanity and did my usual make up. After that I put on my clothes, I brushed my hair and put it in a neat bun. I grabbed my phone and my bag and went downstairs.

"Hey mom and dad," I said cheerfully.

"Hey sweetie, why are you so cheerful this morning?" Mom asked.

"Tonight is my date with Hayden." I sat down at the table and started eating my breakfast. London came downstairs and sat next to me.

"Hey Paris, excited about your date?" She asked.

"Yup," I said popping the p." Excited about yours?"

"Yeah Jayden's taking me somewhere fancy." She said jumping in her seat.

Once we were finished our breakfast we put our plates in the sink, kissed mom and dad bye and went to the car. London let me drive today so we got in and I started the car. I pulled out the driveway and 10 minutes layer I pulled into the school parking lot. I parked the car and we got out. We walked into school and went to our lockers. Hayden and Jayden were standing at our lockers with big smiles on their faces.

"Sup London and Paris," they said.

"Hey Hayden and Jayden," we said. As we opened our lockers a red envelopes fell out. We turned around to look at Hayden and Jayden but they were gone. I opened my note and it read:

Can't wait to see you gorgeous face tonight. See u at 6

XOXO- Hayden

After I read my note I showed it to London and read hers.

So excited to see you beautiful. I'll pick you up at 6


"Awww," we said at the same time. We put our notes back in our lockers and went to class. When we walked in there were only a few kids in the class. So we sat in the back as usual. London took out her sketch book and I took out my phone and texted Hayden.

Me: hey Hayden, thx for the note this morning

He instantly responded.

Hayden: Hey gorgeous and ur welcome.

Me: so where are we going tonight for our date?

Hayden: that's for me to know you to find out gorgeous.

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