Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Mikaela’s POV

            I stared at him and tried to get my lungs and heart to work. He sat there, on the floor, with such an unexpected look of calmness that I swear, that in itself, stopped my heart. Compared to what had been going on a few days ago, this should be a good thing: sudden calmness and no more screaming along with no overreacting emotions, well... not as many at least. But this is a dear shock.

“You are nothing but my charge,” he repeated, his eyes cast downwards. “I’m sorry.”

I wanted to yell and scream and throw him against the wall or throw myself down to the floor begging him to reconsider his feelings. But I stood there, hands trembling, heart beating at a dead person’s rate, and did nothing. I stared, hoping it wouldn’t’ come to me begging, and waited for him to say something else. Perhaps  ha, you fell for it!

But he does nothing but remain sitting down, his eyes on the floor. His beautiful jaw locked as if he’s waiting for me, just another employee, to leave so that he can decontaminate himself. Is that what he wants, I wondered, to be rid of me? Is this all a ruse for me to leave him be? Surely that is what it is. He, as always, didn’t need help, doesn’t ask for it or even considers asking. It would be below and angel, I supposed. But there must be something more than just that.

I inhaled sharply, trying to suppress the tears that have pooled in my eyes, and responded, “You should rest. Ill come get you when dinner is here.” I walked away before anything else, like perhaps some begging, could come out, and entered into yet another fight.

Hixak and Hadrian were face to face, Franco stood off to the side leaning against the wall. Hadrian was calmly talking while Hixak was practically chewing him out. I closed the door behind me and sighed. What could be the damn problem now?

“What the hell is going on?” I yelled. “Hixak! Hadrian! What the hell are you fighting about?”

“Ask him!” Hixak yelled and pointed at Franco who arched an eyebrow. “Ask him, go ahead, and ask!”

I turned to Franco and waited, my hands on my hips. He said nothing, his eyes glancing at Hadrian who gave him a small nod, which aggravated Hixak even further. Hixak snorted and pushed Hadrian before leaving the living room and locking himself in the kitchen. He was going to cook, I deduced, he always cooks when he’s mad.

“We’ve, meaning all three of us, are bonded due to an accident on my part which, may I say, saved the idiots life,” Franco explained leaving his post from the wall and going to stand by Hadrian. I blinked as Hadrian turned to him, his body language changing and adjusting to having Franco at his side, like it was the most natural thing to do. Weird, I thought.

“Bonded? Like...?” I asked confused yet intrigued. “Intimately? Emotionally?”

While Franco gave no answer, his face becoming neutral, Hadrian gave the slightest of nods and looked to the kitchen. I could tell he was worried about Hixak, Franco on the other hand had moved away from the conversation towards Kryzstofer’s room. Hadrian snapped back and opened his mouth to say something but a look from Franco stopped him.

“Where are you going?” I asked. “He doesn’t want to see anyone.”

“I’m not anyone,” he replied smartly before entering the room, leaving a distraught Hadrian and I alone. Nodding to Hadrian to go to Hixak I take a seat on the floor and try not to cry my aching, bleeding heart out.

I paced around the room as Franco and Kryzstofer take a seat in front of each other. I looked on, fascinated, as they closed their eyes and joined hands. Feeling slightly annoyed that Franco could get through to Kryzstofer but not I, I pace around furiously while they meditate. Which means that they have their eyes closed, hands linked, breathing in pairs and minds in damage control. I can’t possibly know what they are saying to one another - Hadrian explained that with physical contact, a Cleaner can make a telepathic link with another person – but I’m sure, judging by Franco’s posture, that I’m annoying them. Good, I think.

“Mikalea!” Kryzstofer growled making me stop mid-pace. “Get out!”

I blinked a few times, looking at his beautiful face that had become full of strange rage, before I turned away and left. Why is it that lately, since becoming human, Kryzstofer has been angrier towards me? My brows furrow at that since his reason for being angry is that he is human.

I left the room, got me things and walked out of the flat. He didn’t need me, he had Franco and their meditation, thought, to me, it wasnt working. On my way down the stairs, I ran into, unfortunately, Janice. She moved away from me, letting me pass her, without a word. I did so but stopped midway. I couldn’t leave things as they were, they were too bad between friends. So I turned and looked at her. She stopped walking, took a few steps up and looked at me terrified.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly. “I- whatever has happened between us has-“

“Stop,” she growled. “I can’t listen to anymore of your lies, Mikaela.”

She walked passed me, pushing me to the side without another word. I looked at her as she moved, as the door behind her closed and as she walked away all the while thinking how, if Kryzstofer hadn’t come down and stayed with me, this wouldn’t have happened. He wouldn’t be human, I wouldn’t have my two best friends against me and I would still have everyone I loved. I shook my head as I continued walking down the stairs and head out the door. I had class later that day and it seemed like the right time to go to it now that no one needed me. My arm was tattoo free- the previous message having disappeared without my knowledge- and therefor had no current soul to reap.

At school, I arrived as early as possible and found a seat as far away as I could from the general population. The walk over had been pleasant, the weather was nice and everyone was out. Classes were being held outside and the students were sitting everywhere they could. My class, Literary Focus, was never outside. The stingy teacher, a 80 year old professor who couldn’t possibly know anything about anything, was too weak to be exposed to the weather, the sun and the world in general. I expected to find his name on my arm very soon judging by his bad cough as the class started.

Soon enough I found myself taking notes, making observations and participating with the rest of the class. It was as if nothing had happened; I was at my natural element. At the end of class, some 120 minutes later, I had three essays, two research papers and one analytical focus paper due by the end of the month. I sighed happily at the thought of having something distracting me for the remainder of the month.

As I left the class, heading to my car, I caught sight of Alec playing ball with some of his friends. Walking away from the area fast, I made it to my car before feeling a chill go up my spine. I turned as sure enough there was Alec coming towards me.

“Hey!” he called out as he approached. “Hey, Mikaela!”

I turned reluctantly and smiled as nicely as I could before opening my car door, getting in and slamming the door. I locked the doors, turned on the engine and left without another word. If he wanted to speak to me, then he shouldn’t have betrayed me. The look on his face made me falter a moment as I pulled out but then I remembered Kryzstofer’s pain and it was forgotten. I had to get back before he had another emotional episode, with or without Franco it would happen, I could feel it.

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