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a.n// 2 more chapters up until this book ends! NO I will NOT be making a sequel for this book just because I have way other books that I want to publish. sorry! I will inform you when I will be publishing a new book. it's a Cameron Dallas fan fiction of course. :)


"tell me guys," I groan at everyone sitting at the table. we have been eating lunch, talking about things, and the second I bring up a question about my past everyone wants to keep silent.

"shouldn't Cameron talk to you about this type of thing? heck he knows way more then we do," effy explained biting into her sandwich.

i groaned as I turned my attention towards Cameron glaring at him.

"okay! okay!"

"everything that I tell you will be about what YOU told me about your past before I was in it until further notice."

"thank you. explain," I demand after a couple of seconds of silence from him.

"your birth mother she gave you away for money."

"gave me away to who?" I asked him. he bit his lip before speaking again.

"men would buy you from an auction. they would test you out and if they liked you, they would take you home and do things to you. now, I don't know what they would do but now I will be telling you about how you met me.

I was at one of those auctions. I decided to buy you and I did. I would punish you when you were being disobedient, I would have sex with you until your body was soar. I hurt you.

one day you overdosed on pills and you were sent to a mental hospital where you met Cassie. during the period where you were at the mental hospital I set you free. I guess after that you found your true talent for photography and you left.

a year later we reconnected and we hung out a lot. the rest I already explained to you about before you took your shower." he explained.

"h how do I know effy and Nash?" I asked looking at the two across from me.

"I was in the same position you were in.  because of that we became best friends, we kicked ass grace. effy & Grace." I chuckled at what she said but turned to Nash.

"I'm Cameron's best bud."

I nodded my head trying to process what everyone is telling me.

"I was a prostitute?" I asked Cameron with wide eyes after 5 minutes of silence.

"well technically yes but then again no. it wasn't like it was your choice after all."

"I don't want to get my memory back Cameron," I whispered as I stood up from the table.

"where are you going?"effy asked me.

"upstairs if you don't mind. I honestly need to relax my brain is stressed out," I told everyone as I slowly made my way upstairs into my room.

"wow," I heard Cassie say and I stopped in my place.

I shrugged my thoughts away and laid on my bed finally getting the chance to relax.

my own birth mother gave me away for an auction? what kind of mother was she??? I guess Cameron was right when he said we had sex plenty of times.

I heard a knock come from my door and I told whoever it was at the door they could come in. effy walked inside and she sat on the edge of my bed.

"hey girlie."

"where's Cameron?" I asked her. I thought Cameron was gonna walk inside my room but I was mistaken.

"cleaning up the kitchen with Cassie and Nash. how are you holding up?" she asked.

"confused. why would my mother give me up? did she not love me?" I asked on the bridge of years.

"a lot of things can't be explained grace and that sure as hell cant. whatever reason she gave you up grace shouldn't matter because she did anyways. just try to forget about it."

"I can't even remember it," I whispered and I knew effy could hear me but I didn't care if she did or not.

"he loves you grace. when you were in the hospital Nash and I would visit him a lot to see how he was holding up," she started.

"how was he?" I asked her.

"broken. he kept saying it was his fault, but how could it have been? he cried all the time and always tried putting on a smile for us but Nash and I knew it wasn't real."

"is that why he didn't come see me a lot?"

she nodded her head and I sighed as I rested my head on my pillow.

"do you love him?" she asked me and my eyes grew wide.

"I I don't know if i do or not. I mean how could I? sure he's fine, sweet, and funny but I don't even remember him that much."

"you did once," she whispered and got up from my bed about to walk out but she stopped before she could.

"you will again," she whispered again before walking out.

no ones pov.

while grace was sound asleep upstairs Cameron closed the door after everyone left.

he was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to lay down next to grace but he wasn't sure how she was feeling at the moment. but yet, that didn't stop him.

he walked upstairs quickly and slowly opened her bedroom door being careful not to wake her. she was always cranky after her naps.

he saw her sleeping peacefully in the bed and smiled as he began to undress himself leaving him in his joggers.

he carefully laid on the bed and wrapped her in his arms. grace slowly opened her eyes confused but relaxed once she realized what was happening.

there was one thing running in her mind and deep down she new
it was true.


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