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On snapchat as I'm typing this snapping my boyfriend back.

Please ignore any mistakes.


Once the tour was finished Cameron aloud me to do whatever I wanted around the house.

I honestly wanted to sleep but I saw a tv room during the tour. Since I didn't have a tv in my room I was anxious to see what was on television. I walked in the kitchen opening up the freezer. There was so many ice cream choices that I could pick from.

chocolate fudge cookie dough; cookie dough ice cream; snickers icecream; strawberry; mint. I picked a spoonful from every container and dropped it
into my large bowl.

I put everything back into the freezer, and shortly after I made my way downstairs into the tv room.

once I made my way inside I noticed a girl that didn't look like Cassandra. who was she?

she turned around from whatever movie or show she was watching and looked at me.

"who are you?" I asked her curiously.


she was really pretty in my opinion. she has beautiful hair, and her eyes were blue. like diamonds. she had a British accent added to everything pretty about her.

"what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"my turn to ask questions. who are you?"


"what are you doing here?" I asked her again.

"the same thing your doing here, I was bought."

"you choose to do this?" I asked her.

she shook her head as she intently stared at me.

"my father and mother was sick and tired of me. I guess you could say I was problem child."

"my foster mom wanted money off of me."

"well we both have pretty fucked up lives."

"the hardest thing is to kill the monster inside of you. without killing yourself," she whispered.

"what?" I asked her.

"sometimes I think I was born backwards, you know, came out my mum the wrong way. I hear words go past me back words. People I should love, I hate, and the people I hate," she said and stopped talking and shook her head.

"I understand." I told her truthfully. she just smiled and turned around to watch the movie. I began to eat my ice cream as I thought about what she said.

I began to watch the movie as I enjoyed it. it was about two people man and woman. in love, in the end they die together old and grey.

once it was over I smiled because it was a heart breaking and warm movie.

"what was it called?" I asked effy.

"the notebook."

"do you believe in love grace?" she asked me standing up out of her movie seat.

"love love love what is it good for? absolutely nothing," I told her and she began to walk away but stopped once she reached the door.

"I think that the whole point of being in love with someone is so you can talk to them and let go of everything. and even when you're at your worst, they still like you, they still want to speak to you and care about you," she said before she walked out of the movie room closing the door.

I sighed as I picked up my bowl and made my way into the kitchen.

I placed it into the sink and began walking upstairs into my room.


I turned around once my name was called and saw Cameron.

"I see you met effy,"

I nodded my head as I slightly smiled.

"good. I want you to get ready to head into the special room. Cassandra will come up and get you," he said before walking away.

I shook my head once he was away and walked inside my room. I placed my hair up into a bun and changed out of my clothes and into a pink robe.

I sat down on the bed as I waited for Cassandra to come upstairs and get me. I closed my eyes as I thought about everything.

a handful of moments I wish I could change.

people say I can't last a day in the real word, outside of this torturing mess. I say people wouldn't survive one night in mine.

Cassandra soon walks upstairs into my room as she slowly grabs my hand. I let her lead me downstairs to the 'special room.' she puts in the passcode and walked inside with me following behind.

memories of what happened to me in the past floated around in my head. I closed my eyes as a tear fell from my eye and onto the ground. I wiped under my eyes as I dropped my robe and sat down on the bed.

Cassandra placed a blindfold over my head and then I shortly heard the door open and close after that.

I felt a hand touch over my shoulder as it trailed over my skin. goose bumps appeared over my skin not because I liked it but because I was scared.

he took the blindfold off of my head and traced his hand over my cheek.

"are you okay?" he asked me.

"I'm just tired."

"are you sure?"

"like I said I'm just tired," I responded again.

he grabbed my chin forcefully and made me look at him. I looked into his eyes as he looked into mine. I watched as his eyes softened once he looked at me and he then let go of my chin.

"you can get some rest," he said bending down, picking up my robe as he gave me it.

I was confused but I didn't question it as I placed my robe over me.

"thank you," I said before I walked out of the room leaving him sitting down on the bed with his hands on his head.

I let the tears flow out of my eyes as I made my way upstairs into my room.

I wasn't crying because he didn't do anything to me. I was crying because I saw a broken man when I looked into his eyes.

that's exactly how I see myself.

except I'm a broke girl.


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