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I was all ready to go as I grabbed the only purse I owned. I began walking out of my room at 8:51, to be stopped because of Cassie. I sighed as I stared at her as she gawked at me.

"wow," she whispered parting her lips. I chuckled a little, she always says 'wow.' 

"Cassie as much as I appreciate your nice complements, I'm going to be late," I responded scooting past her.

"don't have too much fun!" I heard her yell at me, I rolled my eyes while smiling. I walked outside to be met with a really chilly breeze.

I didn't know it would be this cold outside, or else I would have gotten a sweater.

"you look beautiful tonight," I heard a voice. I turned my head to be greeted by Cameron wearing, nice blue jeans with a white button up shirt.

"you look really good too," I responded hugging myself. "do you mind if I go back inside to get a sweater? it's really cold out here," I added.

"you can borrow my sweater, it's in the car. come on," he responded. he walked closer towards me and wrapped his arms around me, as he walked me to the passenger side of his car.

he closed the door once I sat fully inside, and walked to his side of the door, and got inside too. I checked the back of the car and grabbed what looked like a sweater. I rose it in the air at Cameron, raising my eyebrow, he nodded his head so I wrapped the sweater around my cold, shivering body.

"what are your goals?" Cameron asked me out of nowhere. we were now driving down the road, I had to think about his question. goals? I never really had any goals.

"I never really had goals. now that I'm free, I should set some. I had have one though," I whispered looking out the car window.

"what is that?" he replied asking me.

"by the end of the year, I'm gonna either be with you or be over you. I don't want it to be the second one."

I turned to look at his expression, he didn't take his eyes off of the road. I turned my head to look out the window before he spoke again.

"I don't want it to be the second one either."

we pulled up into a parking lot that had a, fare amount of cars parked also. Cameron got out of the car, and I began unbuckling my seat belt and grabbing my stuff. I was going to open the door, but Cameron beat me to it.

"thank you," I blushed as I grabbed his hand stepping out of the car. we walked with my arm around his to the restaurant.

"reservations for Dallas," Cameron said to the beautiful young lady smiling at the both of us.

"yes, right this way please," she said leading us past tables, people, and everything else.

"you planned this?" I whispered to Cameron as we followed the lady to our table.

"iv been waiting for this," he smiled.

the lady stopped at a table, and Cameron and I took our seats across from one another. "what would you like to drink?" the lady asked the two of us.

"just a water please," Cameron spoke. "I would like a Sprite," I said smiling up at the lady.

"your drinks will be right with you, I will give you some time to look at the menu," she said before walking away from us.

I grabbed one of the menus and began taking a look at it. it's hard looking for some delicious food to eat when a delicious person is standing right across from you.

"you wanna just share a pizza?" Cameron asked chuckling. I smiled nodding my head.

this might be a fancy place and all, but I'm gonna get something that's not fancy. well pizza is fancy in my book.

the lady came back with our drinks, and we ordered a large pizza. she walked off and Cameron and I began to sit in silence.

"21 questions?" Cameron interrupted.

"shoot," I responded.

"if you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?"

that was such a easy question.

"eat, shower, and then nap."

"I would shower, eat, and then nap. head to sleep with a full stomach," Cameron spoke smiling. he was so damn cute.

"If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?" I asked him.

"easy all time low."

"I love that song," I responded as I stared into his beautiful hazel brown eyes.

"we should listen to it on the way back home," he suggested.

I nodded my head agreeing with what he said. the lady came back with a big tray of pizza.

"enjoy," she said smiling before walking off.

"so are we gonna continue playing 21 questions or are we gonna eat?" Cameron asked me.

I smirked before grabbing a slice of pizza.

"Ima eat," I said as I took a bite out of the food. Cameron soon after took a slice and we both doubled over in pure amazement at how good the pizza tasted in our mouths.

we both finished the large pizza 20 minutes later. I had 5 slices while Cameron had 8.

"leave a tip," I told Cameron before placing 5 dollars on the table.

he placed 5 dollars on the table also and we both began walking out of the restaurant holding each other's hands.

"I had so much fun tonight thank you," I said smiling as he opened the car door letting me get inside. he closed it and jogged his way to the other side.

"your welcome. I had fun tonight too if I must say."

I smiled as he started the car turning the heat on.

we drove back to his house jamming to our favorite song.

all time low.


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