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"Cameron I'm so tired," I said sitting down in the most uncomfortable seat ever. We were currently at the airport waiting for our flight that was delayed twice.

"you can rest on my lap," he suggested and I slowly smiled as I propped myself up on the seat resting my head on his lap.

he slouched on top of me and wrapped his arms around me as he rested his head on my back. I'm guessing he's going to rest too.

3 hours later and our flight was finally called. Cameron and I gathered our 2 bags and bordered the plane placing them in the space above us.

I took the window seat as Cameron sat right next to me gathering our hands in one movement.

I looked down at our hands and smiled at the gesture as I rested my head on Cameron's shoulder.

"I cannot wait to get back home to my wonderful bed," I groaned as I closed my eyes waiting for the plane to take off.

"I cannot wait to get home to lay in the wonderful bed, with you," Cameron whispered into my ear which sent chills down my spine.

wow, he still manages to do that?

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven't already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. And also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position."

Cameron rolls his eyes as he chuckles.

"I'm pretty sure everyone on this damn airplane as heard this speech already," he whispered into my ear and I chuckled as I tapped his hand.

"If you are seated next to an emergency exit, please read carefully the special instructions card located by your seat. If you do not wish to perform the functions described in the event of an emergency, please ask a flight attendant to reseat you." the flight attendant adds once again.

I began to reach for the car located by my seat but Cameron stopped me.

"you don't need to read that."

"what if there's an emergency?" I ask him smirking.

"there won't be." I rolled my eyes and slouched back in my seat.

"We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight. Smoking is prohibited on the entire aircraft, including the lavatories. Tampering with, disabling or destroying the lavatory smoke detectors is prohibited by law." the flight attended speaks.

"watch some dumb ass doesn't listen and pulls out a cig," I whisper to Cameron's ear which earns a chuckle.

"If you have any questions about our flight today, please don't hesitate to ask one of our flight attendants. Thank you." she finished up before she hangs up the phone.

I pull out my phone and send effy a quick text letting her know that I'm
boarding the plane.

once the plane takes off I sigh knowing that soon we will be home.

it's been an hour since the plane has taken off and we have 3 more hours to go. I'm so exhausted and I can't seem to fall asleep, even though Cameron has.

I smile as I take a quick picture of him and slide out of the seat to use the bathroom once finished.

5 minutes later I come back to see Cameron's eyes open and he's just staring ahead. I sit back down in my seat and rest my head on his shoulder once again.

why can't I fall asleep!?

soon the plane starts to shake and I flick my head opens quickly looking around worried.

everyone has a worried expression on their face too and the flight attendant now comes onto the speaker.

"ladies and gentlemen the plane is having an mechanical error. the pilot is now trying to fix it as best as we can but I'm going to need everyone to buckle up now!" the flight attendant speaks panicking.

my brain can't even comprehend what's going on so I tighten my seal belt and Cameron does the same.

"Cameron I'm scared," I speak as he intertwines our hands together.

the plane stops in the middle of the air and the next thing I know we are turning downward meaning the place is

everyone begins to scream and I close my eyes as I scream knowing there is nothing that can stop this plane from crashing into who knows what.

"I love you," Cameron yells and i began to tear up knowing this might be the last time I ever see Cameron again.

"I love you too!" I scream back through tears and I look out the window and see building coming into views.

"Cameron w-" I was cut of by the plane crashing and Cameron and I disconnect hands from the force of the plane crash and everything seems to turn black.

no ones point of view.

the plane has come to a huge crash. everyone is badly bruised including Cameron and grace.

Cameron slowly starts to open his eyes realizing what has happened and he begins to panics.

he turns to help Grace but comes to realization that she isn't sitting next to him.

he tries moving his leg but is stuck. he tries to push whatever is on his leg and after 5 times of blood, and agony he finally managed to get loose.

he weakly moves past people whose panicking to look for Grace anywhere on the plane.

"Grace!" he yelled and he received nothing in return.

"grace!" he yelled crying now.

he finally finds her hanging up from a seat with her head on the head of the other seat in front of her. her arms are dangling and as weak as Cameron is he picks her up.

he pulls her outside of the plane and turns back around to look at it. half of the plane was crumbled and Cameron is now happy that they sat in the back of the plane because the front was crushed.

Cameron drags her away from the plane and can't walk any longer so he drops her.

he places his head on her chest to check for breathing.

he couldn't find a heart beat.


7 votes and 7 comments for chapter .23

i will update Thursday if I reach 7 votes and 7 comments.

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