My Heart Longs For You

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I crouched near a dustbin, for cover, and listened to the music blaring a couple of doors down. I don’t know how long I stayed there but eventually the music stopped and crowds of drunk figures walked, well stumbled, past the alleyway. After I was sure the crowds were long gone I got up and made my way to a park. Sitting on the swing I could think properly, about if I really wanted to stay with him and if he had read the…suicide note and if I really wanted to tell him so much about myself that he could use to his advantage.

Andy’s P.O.V

I sat there hoping she wouldn’t go far as I thought about what she must be feeling; eventually I got up slowly, picked up her heels and walked in the direction she ran. After looking down streets and alleyways, for hours presumably, I gave up and began to walk to the BVB bus to ask the guys to help me. I came across a park that just seemed to ask me to go inside, sounds like I’m on drugs right?

 I walked inside and walked towards the swings which always seemed to calm me down whether I was angry or upset. As I got closer I spotted a girl on one of them and she looked like Jamie. I ran towards her as she lifted herself off the structure. i hugged her when I got to her and she collapsed in my arms, crying and panicking. She must have been exhausted because she eventually fell asleep in my arms. Carrying her home was the worst of all she was presumably having a nightmare and kept grabbing my shirt for dear life.

When I she was asleep in my bed I was searching for some shirt for her to wear when I came across a dirty piece of paper. I turned it around and recognised immediately, it was the note Jamie wrote me before she jumped…

Dear Andy,

                     I know I haven’t known you long but I feel like I known you all my life. I understand that you want to help me but you and Zoe, and my father, are the reason I’m so messed up. I get that you didn’t mean to be horrible, that you were protecting your friends but those words you said to me, almost every day, still left a scar in my memory.

I also want you to know that I’ve loved you since the day I saw you in year 7, you smiled at me across the room, that whole day I was happy and no one could bring me down. but when you said those things to me you made me feel worthless, like my father did.

I’ll see you in hell my love,

                                                Jamie x

I know it was badly written because she was obviously in a rush but, I still had tears fall down my cheeks. To think I made her feel like her father did and she loved me still. I grabbed the shirt for Jamie and walked into the living area where Sammi sat, I handed her the shirt and she seemed to know I wanted her to change her.


I know its short but its just a quick update xx

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