Broken Parts

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Once I had regained consciousness my senses were coming back to me and I remembered I had fell asleep in Sammi's car. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was on the sofa surrounded by all the guys, there were joking around but Ashley, who my head was on, realized I was awake and stroked my hair. 'Afternoon beautiful' he said softly but jokingly. I lifted my head, my black hair falling to the side; I looked around and took in my surroundings. Although I knew my way around this place it was still nice to reassure I wasn't in a warehouse somewhere in the middle of the Sahara desert!

I looked at the wall clock hanging above the TV and read 6:15. I jumped up and shouted of Sammi; luckily she was already in Andy's room getting everything ready. Trust Sami! I ran in and thanked her sitting on a chair, which wasn't there before, and looked at the mirror starting to apply my makeup while Sammi curled my hair.

By 6:56 I was ready with my makeup, hair done and dress on. I turned to Sammi and hugged her and whispered a second thank you. She just smiled and rubbed my arms reassuringly as if she could see my nerves. After smiling once more she let go and motioned for me to walk through the door, through the door I made my way to the living area and stood there awkwardly while, one by one, all of the guys looked at me. Jaws littered the floor as they gasped. I smiled nervously and watched as Andy stood up after being discreetly hidden by the guys.

'Hey' he sounded like warm butter, even though I hate butter, but the point is his voice war reassuring and I was relieved when he smiled and held his hand in front of me bowing slightly. I placed my hand in his and watched as he brought it too his mouth. I smiled sweetly at him as he took my arm and brought me outside.

When he stopped I looked ahead of us at a black Audi r8. I gasped and looked at Andy questionably who just shrugged. Typical Andy! I followed Andy to the car and thanked him as he opened the door for me. I got inside as he shut the door and got in the driver’s seat.

It had been silent on the road, it was a nice silence though, comfortable and peace filled. He kept glancing at me with that adorable smirk of his. When we stopped I glanced out the window and caught sight of the moon. It was amazing; I've always had an obsession with the moon. Ever since he died the moon reminded me of him.

I was brought out of my trance by a hand coming in contact with my waist. I looked around and realized I must of gotten out of the car because I was being held by Andy as if was about to fall. 'You okay?' Andy asked, I glanced at him and smiled as if to say yes.

Andy led me across the beach and to a set up lit up by a black candle standing proudly in the middle of a whit cloth covered, round table. On the table was a red cloth running straight through the middle drenched in rose petals. I looked at Andy who walked forward and pulled out one of the chair I sat in the chair and waited for him to sit across from me.

Once he was sat there a waiter came over with champagne for Andy and, since I don't like alcohol, he brought me some cherry WKD. We clinked and drank from out glasses. A violin started and I glanced behind me to Jinxx in an expensive looking suit deep in concentration. I turned back around to face a plate of food.

As we ate we made endless chit chat about tour and Andy. When we were done we just sat there and talked once more. 'So tell me about yourself' Andy spoke eagerly. I sighed.

'‘Well…I was born on the 31st of March, 18 days before my brothers 6th birthday. We were a happy family, me, my brother, mam and dad. When I was 10, there was a problem with the school that meant we had to move, so we moved to Yorkshire for 2 years. When we moved back, my mother got very depressed when she fell pregnant. She tried to kill the baby but she kept getting stopped so she eventually just killed herself. On my brothers 18th birthday I saw him crying on his bed.  I went over there and he handed me a piece of paper, a suicide note. I read it in front of him and just nodded. He knew I wasn’t going to stop him, ever since I can remember all he has had is family. He has always been depressed. Only I played enough attention to notice though. He went into the bath fully-clothed and I went in with him. Gave him one last kiss and handed him his pill-. 'I-i can’t do t-his...I’m sorry'                                                                                                                       '

I couldn't finish. I got off the chair, tears streaming down my face and ran. Luckily I didn't have my heels on my as they were next to the table. I ran and ran in a random direction, through alleyways and eventually stopped in a fairly narrow one. I was bawling at this point and scared to confine in him so much and tell him my whole life story.

(Complete) Never Give In (an Andy Biersack love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant