A Bleeding Heart Can Conquer Every Crush

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After I got that message I did what I know best, I ran to the bathroom, locked the door and grabbed a clean razor. I then stood on it multiple times and picked up the blade and slid it across my small wrist. I did six more cuts each one getting deeper, but I made sure it wasn’t too deep. I slid down the wall and held my knees to my chest and sobbed.  After 5 minutes the blood had stopped flowing and I cleaned my arm. As I finished an idea appeared in my mind. And it wasn’t good. I ran into Andy’s bedroom and grabbed my bag; it was still un-packed so I just crept downstairs, past all the rooms and out the door. I ran as much as possible and reached the forest.

There I ventured deeper into the heart of the wood with every step I took. I arrived at a bridge that stood above a river. I walked to the middle and started writing on a piece of paper I found in Andy’s room. I didn’t really know what I was writing but feelings and words started to flow out of my mind. I folded it up and placed it tightly in my hand.  I sat on the edge of the wooded bridge. I thought about my past and what people thought of me over the years. ‘Worthless’ ‘emo’ ‘suicidal bitch’ various words I had been called swarmed my mind as adrenaline pumped through my delicate veins.

I took one last look at the world and…

Andy’s P.O.V

I walked down the marble staircase and opened the studio door. Things are finally falling into place after years of longing. I’m gonna write a song for her to show here how much she means to me. I want to know everything about her. She is so pretty and funny and cute and…miserable.

She must have had a pretty hard life and she has pulled through all of that shit with her dad. She is so strong. I admire her. After about 10 minutes of thinking of her I decided to go upstairs and check on her. I walked in my room and she wasn’t there the bathroom door was closed; she must be in there. I walked towards the white door and knocked on it twice.  It moved with the forced I had applied.

I opened it fully to reveal an empty bathroom. Something on the floor grabbed my attention, red liquid. Blood.

That’s when I panicked, where is she!?! I ran out the house knowing she wouldn’t be there. I went everywhere trying to find her. The graveyard, the park and random streets. I needed to think. I ran to the wood where I always go to think. I ran to the bridge and sat down on the edge. Thinking about life and how much I loved her. I had never realised that until now. I actually loved her and now she is missing.

I held my head in my hands and closed my eyes. When I reopened I was looking down at the rocks and water rushing past discarded rubbish. There was a piece of paper down there, I could just make out in big black letters ‘Andy’.  I got up and ran off the bridge and down to the river’s edge and across to the stone in the middle of the river where there was a girl. The letter was next to her.

Was this Jamie. It can’t be. I ran towards the blood covered body and uncovered her face of hair. Jamie. Tears flooded my vision and I started to panic. Finally I came to my senses and rang Ashley. He picked up after the 5th ring.  ‘What do you want man, I have to go to class!’ he spoke in a hushed tone

‘Woods, Jamie…she…I-I found her.’ I stuttered not knowing how to share this information.

‘Calm down man I’m on my way, at the bridge?’ I could tell he had started running to his car.

‘Hurry…’ I was bawling my eyes out at this point. What if she was dead? What would I do? Oh my god. 5 minutes later Ashley came up behind me and gasped. He must have been speeding to get here so fast. I picked her up bridal style and followed a running Ashley toward his car. I placed her in the back and rested her head on my lap. I stoked her head and my tears started falling on her porcelain skin. When we arrived at a hospital, a doctor took her off me and I tried to follow but nurses and doctors held me back. I can’t live without her.


suggestions for future chapters please <3

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