My Eyes Cry For You

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After Andy’s parents left we all got ready to go drinking, I know we were only 16 some of us 17 but we had fake ID’s. I decided to put on the dress I bought the other day online. It was a tartan dress with black netting underneath but visible at the bottom of the skirt. Lace was on every edge and a ribbon corset like style was placed on the front of the sweet heart top. The dress stopped in the middle of my thigh. As I walked down stairs I heard the chatter immediately stop as I reached the door way of the living room.

Ashley wolf whistled and all the guys pretty much stood there all thinking the same thing. Andy just stood there which was surprised considering what happened earlier. We left after checking we had everything and made our way to a club. Once we were there we decided we would all do a couple of shots before we ‘get the show on the road’

After having 4 shots of vodka I was already a little tipsy so with drink in hand I dragged Ashley to the dance floor. We immediately blended into the crowd in a blur of motion, continually grinding against each other. One arm was around his neck while the other was occupied with holding my drink, Ashley’s hands were on my waist and one hand was squeezing my bum. I think I must have forgotten it was Ashley by the way we were acting together, right now he was just another stranger in the crowd. I had gone through many drinks and was now very drunk.

I had been dancing for almost the whole night being passed on from Ashley to other member of the band and we were all having a great time. I decided to go outside for some fresh air as the night club was unbearably loud and hot. I stepped through the door into an alleyway and was cooled immediately by the cool air. I walked around a bit just taking a breather and thinking about Andy.

I was dragged out of my thought by a hand coming in contact with my waist. I turned around to face a young man in his late 20’s.

‘Hey sexy’ he smiled warmly at me.

‘Hey’ I replied in the sexiest voice I could. This man was very attractive and something in me wanted to get rid of the thought of Andy so as he leaned in, so did I. when are lips touched no sparks flew like they did with Andy but it was still a great kiss. I smiled as his hand found its way to my bum.

After a few minutes things got more intense, my back was against the stone cold wall and his hands were caressing areas on my body. I began to regret this decision as he began to lift my dress.

I removed my lips from his ‘hey uh could you stop?’ I looked at him as he smiled evilly and began to kiss me once more. I shoved him back. ‘I said I didn’t want to!’ I screamed at him. He just stared at me as I grew even more terrified. He came forward once more and his hand clasped over my mouth to muffle my screams. He turned me around forcefully and began lift my skirt up at the front. I screamed as loud as I could but no one could hear me. I struggled in the man’s arms, trying to break free from his grip. I knew what he was going to do.

He began to drag me into the shadows and away from the street light as I heard Andy and Ashley talking. They must have come out to talk and so Andy could smoke. The man behind me must have heard them also because he grabbed the top of my dress while running in the opposite direction. This caused the top of my dress to rip exposing 2/3 of my black lacy bra and ½ of my stomach underneath. I grabbed my shoes, which had come off in the struggle, and walked bare feet towards the guys. I was cold, had bit or dirt on me and was ashamed.

I knew it was my fault he did this to me, or at least tried. I was the one that kissed him first and intended to make Andy jealous for some reason that am not aware of. I was the one that decided to dress like a slut in a short dress and wear lots of makeup. Either that made me look older and that why he chose me or it didn’t matter to him, he just needed someone to fuck.

Because they were leaning against the wall and I was barefoot they only recognized me when I walked past them. They called my name worried but it was like I physically couldn’t respond. Like I was just an empty shell and the man had taken my soul with him. Like I was in some sort of bubble where I could only here myself. Eventually I just broke down crying.

My hands were covering my face while my arms were covering my exposed body. It’s like I didn’t want them to see me at all. Like when your a child and you think that if ‘you can’t see them, they can’t see you’. I wish that were true because in that moment I would have given anything to just disappear.

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