Bury Me Here (P1)

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I can’t get Andy's shocked face out of my head. He looked like he didn’t even care anymore. It’s been a day since my apparent panic attack and I hadn’t even gotten out of bed, my pillow was stained black and soaking wet with makeup and tears. I decided I physically couldn’t stay in bed any longer, it was so boring. I flipped my covers aside and stepped off my bed. I didn’t want Andy to see how upset I was, even though it doesn’t really matter, so I applied my makeup and nice clothes.

Once I was ready I walked out of my door and just as I did Andy happened to be coming out of his room at the same time. We both looked down, unsure of what to say or do. I just decided to walk passed him. I couldn’t even deal with this shit anymore. I walked straight down the stairs and into the sitting room and stood in front of Ash. I looked at him with pleading eyes and he smiled in return patting his leg for me to climb on. In a non- sexual way.

I snuggled into him as he hugged me back. I think he understands how I feel, I think they all do. There was a knock at the door and I heard Andy come practically bouncing down the stairs. He seems awfully happy for practically cheating on his supposedly one true love. I decided to answer the door, do something productive. I grasped the door handle and swung the door open to reveal an extremely pretty girl. She was about an inch taller than me dressed in pink and white clothing. Her blonde hair fell flawlessly down her back in a cascade of curls and her rosy lips turned up in a smile. 'Hello?'

'Hey I’m Juliet. Is Andy here?' and then I knew. This is the girl that he kissed, that he slept with. I turned around to find Andy staring at her. It looks like he had no idea she was coming too. They went upstairs and Jinxx, CC and Jake followed quietly, probably to eve's drop, while Ashley stayed with me downstairs. I wonder what was going on.

Eventually Andy came down stairs with Juliet and said goodbye to her. Once she was gone I got a good look at his face. He looked destroyed. He asked me if we could talk and I got up just as the others came downstairs with the same look on their faces. Andy led me to his room and sat me down on his black bed. Just being in this room brings back so many memories. 'So..'

'I need to tell you something' he stated simply although you could tell it was not a simple situation. 'I slept with Juliet...' he looked down ashamed of himself.

'I know' I knew that wasn’t the reason he brought me up here.

'She’s pregnant'

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