You Could Mend My Broken Heart If You Had All The Pieces

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The silver spoon collided with the bottom of the ice cream tub which made me feel even worse. 1 day after the incident, and my birthday, and I still haven’t spoken to Andy. I’ve cried a total of 27 times and ate 3 tubs of ice-cream, which isn’t doing anything for my figure. Andy didn’t come home last night and still hasn’t returned. I can’t say I’m not getting worried because even though he broke my heart, I still love him.

Ashley told the guys about what happened but no one but Ashley has come into my room, I heard Sammi advise them. She hasn’t visited because she has a job. I feel awful and my mind keeps wondering about where he stayed last night and who that girl was, she looked familiar. There was a knock on the door and honestly part of me hoped it was Andy but instead it was Ash. I smiled at him. We had gotten dramatically closer since yesterday. He smiled sadly in return which for some reason reminded me of the whole ordeal which caused tears to spring to my sorrowful eyes and my lips to quiver.

He rushed towards me with his arms out and dove on the bed to comfort me. If I wasn’t so in love with Andy I would probably be in love with ash. I cried for about an hour which makes it 28 times. My eyes were closed and ash was playing with my hair as I lay on his chest and listened to the soothing sound of him breathing. His chest vibrated as he spoke. ‘You okay?’

‘Do I look okay?’ I asked with a chuckle in my tone. I could feel him smile. ‘I’m sorry for this Ash, I’m sorry you have to see me like this, I’m sorry I’m such a burden on you and the guys and I’m sorry that you have to look after me like I’m some sort of child.’ My voice cracked.

He sat up and faced me caressing my hands as he spoke. ‘You are not a burden Jamie, don’t you ever think that. I want to comfort you and I don’t want you to feel lonely or childish. I want you to feel like you can come to me if you need anything’ his words warmed my heart.

‘I do feel like I can come to you, you’re like my brother. I wish you were my brother. You’re a great guy Ashley!’ he pulled me in for a hug which I gladly accepted.

‘And you’re a great gal! Sister…’ my eyes closed and my lips curled into a smile. ‘Now why don’t you freshen up and then come downstairs for some pancakes!’

‘Pancakes?’ I said looking around at all of the empty ice cream tubs. ‘After all of this?’ my laughter being barely audible.

‘Okay maybe some fruit’ I laughed. Ash stayed with me until I was ready and then we made our way down the stairs to the guys who were probably playing video games. I stayed with Ash and sat on his lap while he played Need for Speed. As we were playing someone knocked on the front door and me being the most active one in the room I got up and answered it. And I really wish I hadn’t.

There stood in front of me was Andy looking like he hadn’t slept at all last night and sorry looking. His hair was messy and I can only guess what he did last night. As soon as I saw him all of the joy got washed away like a tsunami and I slammed the door in his face as I ran to the stairs.

I heard Ash get up and answer it and Andy sit down. Jake, Jinxx and CC all came out of the sitting room and up the stairs so I’m guessing Andy wanted to talk to him alone. I listened in because I felt like I needed to find out where he was, who it was…why he did it.

‘Dude! Where the fuck were you! She is in pieces, she hasn’t stopped crying!’ I heard Ashley say, obviously angry at what his best friend had done.

‘I was drunk. I wasn’t thinking straight. And I kinda spent the night…um…’

‘With her! You fucked her?!?! You have a goddamn girlfriend you idiot! What is wrong with you?’ my heart sank as tears ran down my face. I stepped out into the doorway of the sitting room completely driven by grieve. I couldn’t believe it. He actually slept with her!

‘You slept with her?’  I asked in disbelief. Andy turned around seemed to do everything to do but look at me. It was tear-jerking. My hands trembled and my throat and chest filled. My breath quickened and I felt my heartbeat quicken as my knees buckled from beneath me. I remember Ashley running up to me with a look of panic etched on his face while Andy just sat there with a shocked look on his flawless face. He did nothing. Nothing…

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