In Darkness

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The tiled floor was cold and wet as I lay there in Andy’s warm, inviting arms. The lights above shone down on us and highlighted his flawless features. My heart was racing as my mind shattered, wanting one thing and one thing only. The blue orbs disappeared as he closed his soft eyes and parted his full lips. I couldn’t think once I felt his breath on my snow white skin. I gazed over Andy once more as I noticed his long, dark eyelashes and prominent cheek bones. His lip ring shimmering in the light as he tilted his head ever so slightly to the left. I let out a shaky breath, I was unaware of holding, and was startled by the heat of Andy’s inviting lips. I responded immediately. His mouth was warm against the cold of his lip ring pressed up upon my own lips. His strong hand wandered up to my neck inflicting a tolerant amount of pain. The touch faded as he moved away out of my reach like he had been burned. I couldn’t help but wonder if he felt the same hot fire of desire that I felt, when he looked at me regretfully.

I stood up, knowing that he didn’t want me or that kiss. I walked out, holding my head up high as I watched the strange looks I got from the amount of blood down my neck. I walked home after stealing Andy’s key from his locker.

Why did he pull away? I thought he wanted this. I did. What if he regrets everything that’s ever happened between us, what if he doesn’t want to see me again? I just want this day to be over.

I wish I wasn’t this messed up, I really do. Because it’s not just ruining my life, its ruining my friends and everyone else I know. I’m like a grenade and one day I will blow up. And when I do I don’t want to hurt anyone. I passed the graveyard that he had found me in many months ago. I walked underneath the rusty metal archway and through the cold, frost covered snow. The place was beautiful, like it was frozen in time. It was like a dream, everything was moving so slowly when the cold breeze brushed past my uncovered skin. My mind was erased of all the troubled thoughts and sorrowful memory’s and replaced with only bliss and contempt.

Andy’s P.O.V

I love her. I know I do but I can’t help but wonder if she feels the same way. She’s vulnerable and weak and I just took advantage of that. She might not even like me like that and only want someone to take care of her. I feel like it’s wrong to try anything with her but my heart is longing to be free and be with her. Her blood was smeared all over me and my clothes. I walked home, knowing I wouldn’t be able to do any school work, and thought about what I had just done.

I was like a zombie. I couldn’t grasp a thought for long enough before the next one raced through. It was like I couldn’t process what had happened even though it was me who did it. I felt awful. Even if she didn’t want me it was still the wrong thing to do. I should have just waited to kiss her, but I couldn’t resist!

Jamie’s P.O.V

‘Lazy lover find a place to meet again, you felt it once before I know you did I can see it…’ I was dragged from my thoughts by AllTimeLow blaring through my phone speakers. I scrambled for my phone and pressed answer. It was Sammi.

‘Jamie! Where are you?’ she whispered through the mic. She sounded worried and frustrated.

‘I’m okay don’t worry. I’m in the graveyard; I just needed time to think. Will you come get me?’ I asked hopefully.

‘Yeah sure…I’ll be there in 5!’ she hung up without saying bye, which I don’t blame her. She must have been worried sick about me! I looked around the graveyard at the misty fog beginning to settle among the dead. It was as if I was in a horror movie and the serial killer was just about to slaughter me. I heard a faint beep in the distance that signalled I had to leave. So nearing the gates I left the dead to rest.

Sammi was waiting with one arm slung out of her window and the lights ripping through the mist. I waved at her, as she smiled, and ran towards the red Renault Clio. ‘We still up for shopping?’ her soft voice sounded as we drove towards the house. I nodded knowing I couldn’t avoid Andy when we pulled into the drive.

I ran into the house and quickly got changed out of the blood stained dress and grabbed the money Amy gave me. Thankfully I did it all without facing Andy. I and Sammy drove off once more on our shopping trip. She parked and bought a ticket and then we began.

The first shop we went into was Primark. I loved this shop because it was cheap and there were good clothes there. They didn’t last as long as others but they are okay. I ended up buying a grey pair of jeans as well as a black pair, a red lace dress and some small black heels. We went for food after that because we spent 2 hours in Primark; we went to this little restaurant that sold all sorts of cultured food. It was beautiful and elegant. ‘So how are you…you know after what happened at lunch time?’ Sammi asked, making convocation while we waited for our food.

‘I’m fine really. It didn’t really face me at all because of my dad you know?’ I confessed. Her face grew confused at the mention of my dad.

‘Your dad? What did your dad do?’ I thought the Andy would have told her, he told his parents so why didn’t he tell Sammi. What if none of the guys know? I put my glass of diet coke down as I went through the part about him I should share.

‘Didn’t Andy tell you? Ever since my mum and brother died he blamed it on me. He would drink at night and come home and take his anger out towards me.’ I said simply. Talking about him and the things he did didn’t really make me upset any more. Not when I’m talking about it. If I go into so much detail, which forces me to relive the memories I will probably let my emotions show.

‘Oh. I’m so sorry…speaking of Andy though’ she began and proceeded to wiggle her eyebrows suggesting our love for one another. I shook my head while laughing at her, at that moment the food arrived.

‘I don’t know. I think I like him and I think he likes me back but he keeps changing the way he acts towards me. After the nightclub he was really protective and kind and then at lunch he was really sweet and caring but when we kissed in the bathroom, he pulled away. I haven’t talked to him since…’ I took a bite of my Pasta and looked up to see Sammi with a huge smile on her perfect face. ‘What?’ I spoke slyly.

‘You kissed!?’ she almost shouted. I nodded while smiling, revisiting the warm sensation of his lips against mine.

After finishing our food we headed back shopping and bought many things including a very sexy red dress and black sexy underwear. Once home I immediately went upstairs to avoid Andy.

I walked straight into my red and white bedroom and sighed while jumping on my queen-sized bed. Why does my life have to be so full of drama? A normal life. That’s all I asked for but instead I got the fucking mess to live through.

I let the darkness overcome me and take me away.

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