I'm Worthless In Your Eyes

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I gasped and began scrambling to get away from the man that struck me down. Fear ran through my veins and tears down my face. I was struggling to breath. Once I got to my feet I felt someone pull me back into the safety of their arms. I could tell it was Ashley because of his aftershave. 

 'I told you I would find you Jamie, and you know me....Always keep my word' He edged closer to me. Suddenly he lunged towards me and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him. He held me by the waist with one arm and I was unable to reach the ground. He began dragging me away from the guys while I tried to grasp anything I could to no avail.

I watched as the guys tried to grab me but the one guy that I wanted to save me wasn't there. My own father pushed me into his car and locked the doors before driving off. I screamed and screamed but he wouldn't acknowledge me at all.

My voice was going dry and my breath was short. I cried softly to myself, unsure of what would become of me. After awhile the car came to a halt and I was dragged out of the vehicle before I had time to react.

I found my-self in a back ally and I just couldn't help but prepare for the worst. I know I wasn't getting out of this. I just wanted to be with my mother and brother, my real family. I didn't beg, I didn't plead. All  did was wait.

He punched and kicked me as my conciousness slowly faded to nothing.

Andy's P.O.V

I had no time to comprehend what had just happened before Jinxx was pushing me towards Ashley who was running towards the car. I couldn't move. I just stood there in front of the car door. I could barely hear Ashley screaming. 

All of a sudden I felt a great force knock me down and I came to my senses. I ran into the passengers side and kept my eyes on the car in front. His car. 

He sped down dead streets and it was easy to keep up with him until the lorry came out of no where. We swerved to avoid it and I tried to not break the view on his car but as our own car spun and crashed in to a street lamp, I couldn't help but close my eyes.

I opened my eyes as quickly as possible, scrambling out of the shattered window to escape the smoking car. I dragged and unharmed Ashley out and we ran through the street that I last saw the car heading down. 

We seemed to run for ages but our adrenaline kept us going. We gradually slowed down and hurriedly came to the worst as we attempted to conserve our energy. 'We aren't going to find her are we?' I heard Ashley breath out. I shook his shoulders.

'Yes! We have to!' From across the street I saw a balding man running out from a dark ally, dropping a knife on the way. As I ran in the direction he came from I texted Jinxx the street so he could call the police. 

Ashley sped up and ran faster to get to her. I watched as he knelt down next to a heap of tulle and cradle the girl in it. He held her face up to his and I saw a tear escape his eye. 

From that point on I knew that I wasn't needed in her life. She had obviously lived her life just fine after I made a mistake. 

I walked away from the scene and stumbled home with tears running down my shocked face.

Jaime's P.O.V

I woke up in a room which I had never been in before. There were four walls, two of them red and the other two black. On the opposite wall there were various sized photo frames with pictures of the band and the girls and me. I held my head to try and soothe the pounding, I was clueless as to what happened and since I  was still in me prom dress I assumed I had drank too much. I stumbled to the bedroom door and opened it to find the corridor to the BVB house.

My head hurt even more as this was the last place I wanted to be. I walked to the end of the corridor and down the stairs, head still pounding. As I reached the last couple of steps my vision began to go blurry. I stumbled and began to fall but something...someone caught me. 

I looked up to find Ashley holding me bridal style. 'Whoa...you alright?' I mumbled a faint yes in reply as he began carrying me towards the living room. Once there he lay me on the armchair as my vision began to clear. Everyone was sitting there messing around until I was carried in. They all stopped and began asking if I was okay. 

Ashley cupped my face and looked intently in my eyes. 'I'm okay!' I exclaimed. 'Is someone going to tell me what happened last night? Hey where's Andy?' I noticed he was the only one not here.

'First thing's first..' Ashley signalled for everyone to leave the room. Once they had, he told me everything. 'You're dad came to prom and dragged you out taking you to an alley, when we found you...you were lying in a heap on the ground.'

I had tears running down my face. He said he would find me and he did. What else is he capable of and where the hell is he!? 

(Complete) Never Give In (an Andy Biersack love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora