The War Is In My Mind

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I fluttered my eyes open to the dark grey walls of my dimly lit room. My father didn't come back home last night which meant that I had no additional battle wounds. I was requested to get up early and make my way to the hotel that all the bridesmaids were staying at. I had to make up an excuse about having to work late so they wouldn't suspect that I was back at my dads.

I grabbed my phone and other essentials and made sure to make a packed lunch for my dad just in case he came home before work. I locked the front door and walked to my car. I had to park my car at the end of my street so my dad wouldn't realize that its mine. He is pretty much against me having any form of independence. Once I got in the car I turned on my radio.

"Congratulations to Andy and Juliet who are getting married today, us from Capital would like to wish you both luck on the rest of your happy lives together. To wish them luck we are going to play a song that Andy's band wrote. Here it is."

A familiar tune filled my car as my heart broke into a million pieces. Today was the day that Juliet takes him away from me. I try not to blame Juliet because deep down I know that it was all Andy's fault. He thought it was right to marry the mother of his baby and I supported him in his decision.

I followed the directions I was given on the back of the invitation until I got to the hotel. I walked towards the doors of the 5 star building and headed straight for the front desk. I was starting to regret supporting Andy in this decision. Was I being selfish wanting Andy for myself?

I spoke my name to the man behind the desk and was given a key to my room. I asked where Juliet's room was and got the directions that I needed. Since we were staying overnight I had packed a small bag and I decided to drop that off first.

When I walked into the room I was greeted by a fresh smell of flowers. The room was a ashy beige shade with golden lights, only making the room feel warmer. Although the room was small it was extremely luxurious. There was a shiny black chest of drawers as soon as I walked in with a fish bowl filled with lilac flowers perched on top. Next to this there was a leather beige armchair in the corner and a black and beige bedside table next to that. The black, polished bed frame was dressed with white bed sheets and gold cushions and throws.

There were two doors on parallel wall. One was a huge walk in wardrobe and the other a black and white en-suite bathroom. The room was very clean but I couldn't help but feel sad that Juliet got to spend the night with Andy but I had to spend it alone. I quickly put my stuff away before locking my hotel room door and making my way to Juliet's room.

Her room was the penthouse (unsurprisingly) but mine was on the 3rd floor of a 15 floor building so I had a long elevator ride upon me.

Eventually I made it to the top floor and was surprised when the elevator doors opened into the living room of the penthouse. There were two arm-less white, beige rimmed, chairs facing the two large glass coffee tables in the center of the room. On either side of the coffee tables there are two 4 seater white couches. The low-back of the couch is studded and there are gold and brown damask cushions accenting them.

The right side wall is covered in ceiling to floor length mirrors with a sea view and the opposite wall had the doors leading to the various other rooms.

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator the room filled with momentary silence before a roar of screams erupted as at least 20 females ran towards me. Juliet grabbed me into a hug and forced me to jump up and down with her which in turn caused the rest of the wedding party to do the same. Once it had stopped and Juliet had let me go, we walked towards the sofa's.

'Jamie, I'm so glad your here. I know that it must have been hard when Andy chose me over you but I cant help being more desirable...I hope you understand.' I was slightly shocked by Juliet's words but I was completely out of energy to be bothered to fight back so I ended up just smiling and nodding.

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