Lonely Hearts

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I walked slowly don’t the cold steps in the morning remembering the wonderful events of the night before. There was a sudden crash and my eyes widened in horror of the possibilities. I ran towards the kitchen to find a shocked looking Andy. I ran towards him and I saw the gash on the corner of his perfect blue eyes. I grabbed his face and repeatedly asked if my baby was alright. Every time he waved my hand away and attempted to convince me he was alright.

After that fiasco we sat in the living room and cuddled up on the sofa. We hadn’t spoken about last night but I couldn’t wait till he got the hint so I brought it up myself. ‘So this thing…that’s happening. Is it public or…’ I didn’t really know why it mattered to me. He looked down at me before repositioning himself so he was facing towards me. He held my hand as he spoke softly.

‘Jaime…we’ve been through this. I want to be with you and I’m not going to hide that away from the world. Stop worrying. You’re beautiful and I want the world to see that.’ He smiled. His face moved closer to mine as he placed his hand on the back of my neck. Our lips touched as I shivered. The moment ended quickly though as there were knocks at the door. From multiple different people all at once.

I jogged towards the door and as I opened it my eyes scanned the group of boys for the one person I needed to talk to. I grabbed Sammi’s wrist and pulled her towards me before running up stairs with her still in my grasp. I’m pretty sure her, and the rest of the guys, are in shock of my sudden actions but I needed to talk to her.

I sat on my bed and motioned for her to sit next to me. She smiled as she walked over and sat beside me. ‘Erm…what the fuck was that all about!?’ she asked. I giggled as I imagined what I must have looked like.

‘We I need to talk to you. About Andy’ at the mention of his name Sammi suddenly grew a lot more interested.

‘Tell me. Tell me everything!’ she spoke excitedly as she jumped on my bed. Well the best she could while sitting crossed legged. I smiled as I began to tell her the long story.

‘…and then he said that he didn’t want to hide his feeling towards me from the world!’ you could pretty much here the smile of excitement in my voice. We, being girls, screamed and jumped up and down and then made our way downstairs once we had controlled ourselves. The guys were sitting talked amongst themselves but as we entered the room they stopped and looked towards the intruders.

I looked towards Andy and he nodded slightly as if to say ‘they knew’. Ashley smirked at me and made rude hand gestures while the rest just smiled and carried on talking.


'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' a chorus rang out through the house and echoed off the white walls of the sitting room. I winced at the sudden sound and looked at the 6 people surrounded by the HUGE pile of gifts. Huge was a bit of an understatement there had to be about 25 off them all covered in various dark coloured wrapping paper and Tags. Andy walked up to me with a wide grin plastered on his face. His arms wrapped around my average frame. I hugged back, unable to speak. I was completely gormless due to the surprise. Even I forgot about my god forsaken birthday.

It has been 4 months since me and Andy had gotten together and we were growing ever stronger. He pulled me towards the chair that was positioned in front of the L shaped couch where the guys sat. Each of them gave me hugs and wished me a happy birthday's. I began opening the presents on the guys' request. Off Jinxx I got a pair of black skinny jeans, a Nightmare Before Christmas mug and a voucher for a tattoo. Off Ashley I got; a Silver Star necklace, a pair of black, buckled combat boots with diamonds littered on the toes and a piece of scrap paper with ‘free sex’ wrote on it in Ashley’s hand writing. I looked up at him shocked and amused and got a seductive wink in return. Jake and Ella got me a bath set and a huge basket of junk food. Off Sammi and Jinxx I received a jewellery set, a dress and a weekend for two away at a hotel. And last but not least Andy got me a notebook and a bag, which resulted I no more presents to open but lots of wrapping paper to tidy.

I jumped of the chair and thanked everyone individually and walked up the stairs to get ready. It was Monday the 31st of March and I had school. I wore my favourite dress; it was black and white striped (I know what you’re thinking but trust me it’s gorgeous!) and stopped just above my knee, it had a natural flared skirt and a sweetheart neck. Just below the sweetheart were three black fabric covered buttons aliened in the middle and a bow on each strap.

There were three knocks at my glossy black door which prevented me from finishing my hair. Curiosity ran through me as I approached door and opened it revealing nothing but a small black box. I bent down picking it up and pulling it open. There laid a black sapphire and diamond encrusted silver ring on top of a note. I picked up the ring and note.

Dear Jamie,

                     This is an Eternity Ring. It proves how much I love you and is a promise that I will spend the rest of my life with you. My undying affection for you is infinite and I hope I make you as happy as you make me.

Love Andy x

I gasped as Andy stood in front of me and placed the ring on my ring finger and I this was officially the best birthday ever!

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