Love Is More Dangerous Than A Gun

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I unlocked the big double doors and dropped my keys in on the table. After shutting the door I went into the kitchen to make some food. I was home early from school because the head teacher suspended me for the reminder of the day, it was all down to what happened yesterday but since Zoe’s mother is friends with the head she didn’t get in trouble. It was only 2 o clock which meant I had roughly 1.30 hours till everyone got back home.

I sat on the L shaped couch while I watched Russell Howards Good News and ate grapes. As I put my bowl down the door slammed and I immediately tensed up trying to be as quiet as possible. I walked out of the sitting room and into the hallway and looked toward the glossy black front door. No one was there. I heard footsteps behind me and someone grabbed me from behind and turned me to face them. Before I could see who it was a pair of warm lips pressed themselves upon mine. My hands were pinned on the wall above my head and the stranger’s hips were restricting my movement. So I was trapped. I could move my hand though, so I did. I lifted my arm and managed to put it around his waist, that’s when I felt it. Against the denim jacket there was a pair of metal handcuffs. Andy.

When he pulled away I got a good look at Andy’s face. It was beautiful as always and I smiled. ‘Hey gorgeous!’ he said seductively my arms lingered around his neck.

‘Why aren’t you at school? I asked realising it was only 3 o clock. That’s what the clock behind Andy read anyway.

‘I wanted to see you so I ditched.’ He said simply, shrugging to emphasis the fact that he didn’t care. It was probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I kissed him again and we somehow turned it into a make out session before we were rudely interrupted by Ashley wolf whistling.

I pushed Andy away, rather forcefully, from shock as he hit the opposite wall. 3.30 The clock read. I looked at Ash as the heat rose to my cheeks; Andy smirked at me as I hid my face and ran into the kitchen. Fuck. What if ash asks about us? I don’t know what we are. If we are boyfriend and girlfriend or if we are just playing it ‘casual.’

‘What’s up with her?’ I heard Ashley ask.

‘I don’t know man but…wow!’ Andy panted, out of breath, talking about our session earlier. I smiled to myself as I played back the feeling of his lips on mine and his hands around my waist. The way he pinned me against the wall forcefully but somehow still being gentle at heart and his’ my thoughts were cut short due to a hand being waved in front of my, probably puzzled looking, face.

I looked up and saw Ashley with a smirk on his face. Great. ‘So’ he spoke. ‘You and Andy huh?’ wiggling his eyebrows as I pushed passed him with annoyance radiating off me. I walked up to my room and slammed the door, by accident, before flopping onto my bed.

‘So what’s going on with us? And you for that matter.’ A deep voice rang through the room as I jumped 5 feet in the air (almost). I looked towards the intruder, also known as Andy, and gave him an evil look.

‘Well I’m fine but I don’t know what’s going on with us.’ I said bluntly. He stalked over to my bed and sat down across from me and held my hand. Just like last night.

‘Well…’ he trailed off ‘do you wanna be my girlfriend?’ his eyes were hopeful and his lips were being bitten nervously. The Andy Biersack gets nervous?!? And he wants me!?! I smiled as I subconsciously nodded. His expression turned from anxious to ecstatic. 


Guys i really need your help. As some of you may know there is going to be a huge event coming up in this story and i dont know whether i should;1) skip a couple of months (in the story)  and then write the event or... 2) show the actual development of the relationship and then have the event.         What do you guys think? please help!                                                                                                             p.s Today marks a year since one of the greatest bands that ever existed, broke up. Did they change the world? No. Did they change lives? Hell Yeah!

(Complete) Never Give In (an Andy Biersack love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon