The Girl That No One Ever Noticed

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We stepped off the plane hand in hand; we had just landed back in England and were waiting for our taxi to take us to our brand new home. Standing there watching as a sleek black taxi pulled up in front of us and a short stocky man got out of the car. I smiled at him as Andy took my luggage and slung it into the boot along with everyone else’s. Once in the car the engine roared to life taking us to an unknown location. Well Andy knows but he refuses to tell me.

We pulled up to a Victorian styled house towering over us. It was bigger than the last house. We walked up to the black door and I ripped off an envelope addressed to Andy. I handed it to him as he read it aloud.

Dear Andy,

I hope you like your new house hunny, I furnished it for you but feel free to change it if don’t like it. Its 6 bedrooms so Jamie has a place to stay. I and your father will be coming round next week to see how you are all settling in and to meet the lovely Jamie.

Lots of love mam and dad xxx

I smiled at Andy as he read it out. How sweet are his parents? I haven’t even met them yet and I already feel like I’m part of the family. Andy handed me an envelope that had my name written neatly in Andy’s mams handwriting. I took it cautiously reading the front ‘don’t open till you’re in your room x’ I kept a hold of it as we all walked into the mansion like house.

We came across the kitchen. The walls were painted a teal colour while the cabinets were black and glossy. There were many storage places and even an island in the middle surrounded by 6 teal breakfast chairs. I spotted another envelope on the island counter and picked it up. ‘Andy, there’s another letter here’

He picked it and read it aloud once more.

I have already allocated rooms for you all so there will be NO FIGHTING! Each bedroom door has a name on it and that will be your room unless two persons can agree they want to swap. Like before they have also been furnished feel free to change them.

Love Amy x

I’m guessing Amy is Andy’s mam. We walked upstairs without looking around; I guess they all want to see who has the biggest room. We were faced will a landing which had 3 doors on each side. Upon each door was a name. There was even one with ‘Jamie’ on it. I walked towards the white door and opened it slowly. Inside was amazing.

Directly opposite the door was a chimney breast with multi-coloured stripy wallpaper covering it. A king-sized bed was place right in the middle of the chimney breast with pristine white covers and red and black cushion and throws to accompany it. There were two bedside tables, both black and red, each with a white table lamp and the one on the left had a traditional alarm clock.  On the left wall were two chests of drawers which matched the bedside tables like the rest of the furniture. The one closest to the door had three drawers and the one next to it had four. Beside the four drawers was a dressing table with three mirrors on it. On the other side, starting from the window was a three door wardrobe with a full length mirror. Beside it was a chest of six drawers, three on each side and next to that and closest to the door was a cabinate with no doors in a trapezium shape.

Against the sides of chimney breast were another wardrobe, on the left, with only two doors and two drawers and another set of chest of three drawers, on the left. At the foot of the bed was a set of four drawers, two on each side which meant it was the same height of the bed. On each furniture top there was some sort of ornament or photo frame which went perfectly with the room and on one wall there was a painting of three poppy’s all joined in some way.

The floor was white and a glossy tile, but not like wall tiles, they were fitted together. The red rug in front of the bed added a sense of comfort to the whole room.

I sighed. This was just perfect and Amy was such a good decorator if she did this herself, even if she didn’t it was still something to be proud of. My life was finally getting better and I felt good about the New Year. Did you know I was in a coma through Christmas and New Year!! I looked around the room once more before going through odd drawers to see how much space was there and writing down what I could put in each one on my phone. As I got closer to the furniture though I noticed a small red envelope on each surface and even on the wardrobes.

I opened the one which I got outside. Another letter was in there but this time addressed to me!

Dear Jamie,

I hope you like your room. I have been told, by Andy, about your situation. About your father and school. This is why in each envelope there is a gift from me, Chris and Andy. Each gift is money for stuff to put in each piece of furniture it is on. Like this gift is for Makeup and jewellery. I can’t wait to meet you!

Love Amy xxx

I took the smaller envelope out of the bigger one with the letter in. it was money. £150 to be exact. I’m not sure I will need that much money for makeup and jewellery but it was nice. I can’t believe Andy told them about my ‘situation’! How dare him! That was told to him in confidence and he just betrays me! I know he probably thought it would help but did he honestly thing about my feeling when he was sharing my personal information to him! I won’t confront him about it but if he tells the guys I will.


the photo is of Jamie's room --------------->>>

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