Time Will Make Me Love You More Than Ever Before.

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I was on the bus now; it was huge, black and had the BVB logo on it. i was sitting next to Andy on the red seat in the living area of the bus. We were watching Batman while we casually talked to each other about what had happened while i was in hospital. The guys weren't here as they went to meet fans,they don't know I'm here, they just think that Andy is sulking again or something, because we were alone it made me want to kiss his full, soft lips...

What am i thinking? I don't like him like that, he is a friend that's all. Oh who am i kidding i have feelings for him.

I heard faint voices outside coming closer to the bus; I lifted my head and looked at Andy as we were both thinking the same thing. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door running the shower so they knew someone was in there. The door opened and I’m guessing they all walked in. ‘Andy?...who’s in the shower?’ CC asked.

‘Please don’t tell me your cheating on Jamie, she has only been in a coma for a fucking month!!!’ Ashley yelled, I felt honoured to be defended and loved by the boys.

‘ How could you do that to her, she is too broken already for you to break her heart!’ CC spoke up once more. I and CC clicked the first moment we met, he was like the brother I never had. I turned off the shower and all went quite, I guess they didn’t want to hurt the feelings of Andy’s imaginary one night stand. I slowly opened the door revealing a small corridor. I walked the small length and looked at the boys shocked faces before me.

CC ran up to me swinging me around like a child while screaming my name. The others just looked at Andy while I resisted the urge to laugh. All of a sudden all of the guys, except Jinxx and obviously CC, ran up to me engulfing me in one of their bone crushing hugs. Once they all pulled apart they sat down next to Andy. That’s when Jinxx came up to me and gave me a gentle hung. ‘Glad you could make it.’

As soon as those words escaped his lips all eyes were on him asking for an explanation. She phoned me when she came out of the coma and asked for tickets and back stage passes so she could surprise Andy.’ He smiled at me and so did Andy  as the guys all erupted in ‘ooohhhs’.

After the guys and i hugged for a third time we all sat down on the seat again, i resumed my previous position. We caught up once more and carried on watching Batman, one by one the guys all went to bed until it was just me and Andy left. We sat there until the film ended and we sat in a comfortable silence.



'i missed you, so much, i thought you were going to die and leave me here alone.' he spoke truthfully, certain of the words which escaped his perfect lips. once again i had the urge to kiss them but i knew he would not kiss back. I turned to him and hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go, he picked my up and held me in his strong arms. He carried me to where i'm guessing was his room.

It consisted of a double bed with crimson sheets, a mirror on the wall and suitcase on the floor in a small room. He laid me softly on the bed grabbing a shirt out of his suitcase and throwing it to me. i smiled gratefully at him and began to take my cloths off as he turned away. He went out of the room and returned with my suitcase as i pulled the shirt over his head.

He covered his head with his hair trying to hide the blush which rose to his perfect cheeks. I smiled warmly at him as he jumped on the bed next to me and hugged me. That's how we fell asleep, peacefully in each others arms.

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