My Soul Dies For You

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I hung the T-shirts on the racks and ordered them as asked. As I was about to move on to re-arranging the shorts I heard a faint voice call out. 'Excuse me' a deep voice sounded.

I turned around to find the one and only, Andy Biersack, standing beside me. The look on his face told me that he didn't know that is was me. I looked at him with a straight face. 'What can I help you with sir?' I asked in a monotone voice.

'Jamie!? Where have you been? The guys have been worried sick!' There it was again, the guys...does he not care at all? He is the reason that I left!

'What do you need Andy...?' I asked, beginning to grow impatient with him.

He looked down as if he was ashamed or regretting getting my attention. 'um...I need to buy some underwear for um...Juliet...' he continued to gaze at the ground as I sighed.

'Prom?' I asked as I began to walk towards the lingerie section.

'Are you going?' I held up various examples as he nodded or shook his head depending on what he thought.

'Yeah I am...alone...' I got a few different styles of an approved shape and laid them out in front of him. He picked up the sexiest pair that was in the whole shop (of course he would pick those)!!!

'Maybe we should talk about things...'

'Andy listen...I left the house to get away from you! So just leave me alone!' I shouted whilst storming off.


I woke up to the strange sensation of someone jumping on me and the sound of a girl squeal. I opened my eyes to find Sammi Doll on my bed.

I let her sleep here last night, or rather she refused to leave, so we could spend the whole day together before prom.

I have been waiting for this night for almost five years and now I was unsure if I actually wanted to go. I wont have fun because the guy that is supposed to be going with me, is going with his fiancée who he knocked up on my birthday.

I smiled a her before checking the time on my phone. It read 1:47PM. The next couple of hours will be spent getting a makeover from Sammi and putting on the dress that she bought me.

I didn't want her to buy me a dress but the only ones i could afford were apparently, not 'prom-y' enough. I am glad she got it for me though because it is absolutely beautiful.

After all of my make-up was done I sent Sammi to go and try on her dress. She had been keeping it a secret from everyone since today so was so excited to see it. 'Is it on yet!? I shouted impatiently just as she stepped out of the spare bedroom.

There stood Sammi Doll with her newly died blonde hair all curled and cascading down her back. Her dress was a purple sweetheart neckline with peacock detailing and bling on the front. The skirt was ruffles with extreme volume and short in the front with a few longer pieces of tulle in the back. The tulle was a mix of purple and black. To match her dress her make-up was done extremely dark and her lips coloured pink. Her feet were covered in a pair of black, heeled sandles. 'Wow...' I was speechless.

'Okay now you put yours on!!' she ushered me inside the other room where my dress was hanging up on the wardrobe. I stared at it in awe.

My dress was the same sweetheart neckline with no straps. It was all black and the top was covered in blue embroidery and beading, made to mimic leaves. I had my hair up and to the side in a curled bun with my make-up done naturally. On my wrist I wore some black bangles and a pair of black court shoes on my feet. I was ready...

I walked out the room and heard Sammi gasp 'Thank you so much Sammi, this is such a beautiful dress and I would never have gotten it if it weren't for you!' I hugged her as I heard a knock at the door. I looked at Sammi with accusing eyes before I went to answer the door. 

There stood a chauffeur with his hand out for me to grasp. I obliged as he led me to the black limousine. The last time I was in a limo was when me and Ash uhhh...never mind.

I got in and grabbed two champagne glasses and filled them with the expensive champagne situated beside it. As Sammi came in I handed her the glass. I looked at her questionably 'As far as he knows we are chaperoning the prom' She winked. Clever.

I looked out the window to see the venue, a small castle built during the Victorian era. I saw masses of teenagers filing into the building all in different coloured dresses and suits. This was it...the moment that I have been dreaming of for 5 years, and I was setting it up to be a failure.

Me and Sammi got out of the limo and walked towards the venue. I watched as colourful figures glided towards the building. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I grew to regret agreeing to come to prom. I wish I was with Andy instead of him being with Juliet. 

I reluctantly stepped out of the limo and breathed the fresh air, I was determined to have fun and to not let Andy ruin this for me. Me and Sammi walked hand in hand towards Jinxx who was standing with the rest of the guys and Juliet.

Andy and Juliet stood in matching attire and I spotted a corsage that Andy presumable gave her. I looked away before anyone noticed. I walked up to the group and smiled. They all looked at me and made comments about how pretty I looked, all except the guy that matters. Andy didn't even notice me, he was too busy talking to the barely visible bump on Juliet.

Ashley asked me to prom a couple of days ago and made it clear that we were going as friends. I am glad that he understands that I cant be with him and so I said yes. 'You look amazing Jamie' he expressed and brought something out of his suit pocket. He gave me a corsage with blue and black roses and feathers on it. I hugged him because without him I would be completely lost.

'Are we ready?' Jake asked everyone. shakily sighed and grasped Ash's hand whilst nodding. Everyone turned and walked towards the big entrance. All I saw was Andy and Juliet in front holding hands and acting like one big happy family. I decided to push all thoughts of Andy out of my brain for at least for tonight. I needed to live the moment.

Once we entered the venue we walked to where we would be eating our meal. There was a big room with many windows which let in all of the natural light. There were white columns decorated with ivy leaves and fairy lights. There were at least 30 round tables in the room each covered in a white cloth and circle mirror in the middle. On top of each mirror was a Grecian candle stick holder covered in the same ivy leaves with lighted candles. Each table was already set with 10 white covered chairs with alternating black and grey bows. It was beautiful.

We all found our table and sat down and I unfortunately was seated between Ashley and Andy. The guy that I'm in love with and the guy that a secretly slept with. This will be fun. All the way through our meal all I could hear was Andy and Juliet muttering on and whispering sickening messages in one another's ear. 

Straight after the meal, the music started to play and I watched as Andy and Juliet got up to dance. I looked down remembering that I'm supposed to be forgetting about them. I saw Ashley get out of his chair and hold his hand out in front of me. I looked up and smiled at him whilst taking his hand. I should be focusing on Ashley, he is the one who has been there for me even though we did make a mistake we are still as close as ever. 

He led me to the dance floor and as soon as we were ready to dance, the song changed to "Everything Has Changed" by Taylor Swift. Of course tone of the most romantic songs in the world would come on. Ashley put his arms around my waist and I his neck. We danced to the song while looking into each other's eyes. In the distance I heard some shouts and stern voices but I just blocked it out until I was pushed to the ground by someone. For some reason I assumed it was Zoe but when I looked up my whole life flashed before my eyes.

(Complete) Never Give In (an Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now