The Pain Someone Feels

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It’s been exactly a week since we got the new house which means Andy’s parents will be coming for dinner tonight. Andy was freaking out because he doesn’t know what to cook, partly because he didn’t research recipes but mainly because he can’t cook. I decided I would do something for him so I told him I was going shopping with my school friend but actually went to get food.

I decided I would cook some tandoori chicken samosas, Thai roasted chicken and chocolate marbled moose. After I got all the pieces and headed back home and started cooking. I could hear Andy freaking out upstairs, probably in Ash’s room. I smiled to myself as he gave and said he would wait till they arrived. And with that I got cooking.

It took me 2 hours to prepare and start cooking everything. Andy hadn’t come down and neither had any of the other guys. They were all probably playing video games together upstairs still thinking I was out. There was a knock at the door as all 5 guys started to walk down the wooden stairs playfully shoving each other and arguing over who won Mariokart.

I smiled secretly to myself as I hear a very warm female voice squeal ‘Andy!’ and a response filled with low laughter. I heard every one go into the sitting room except one of them. I smiled at Andy once he walked through the kitchen area. We had no door in the kitchen.

I and Andy hadn’t been on any more dates, nor have we spoken about anything to do with the relationship. In fact we haven’t even had a conversation to him or any of the others. I think we have all been too busy sorting out our rooms. Andy has been in the studio for most of the week sorting out things with his agent and writing new songs.

‘You cooked!’ Andy yelled. Not loud enough for everyone else to hear though.

‘Yeah I thought it would be nice to let you have a break. Plus I thought it was quite funny all the worrying you’ve been doing’ I finished with a small giggle. I looked at Andy’s electrifying blue eyes. He smiled as he came closer and I sat on the counter eating an apple. I looked at him wondering what was going through his head right now. He stopped directly in front of me with his hands rest either side of me.

‘I was thinking we could all go out drinking tonight, celebrate’ he added. What could we be celebrating? It could just be celebrating life I suppose. Or maybe it’s just a way to let loose before we go back to school in 3 days as its Friday right now.

‘Okay’ I replied quickly. He then proceeded to walk out the room. What was that! I do something nice for him and he doesn’t even give a shit?! I hoped off the counter and grabbed a glass and filled it will cold water. After drinking from the clear cup I put it on the island, not so quietly and angrily sighed.

‘You alright there?’ and unfamiliar voice called and instantly a smiled grew on my face.

‘You must be Amy!’ I ran towards him but stopped before I got too carried away. What if she wasn’t a hugging type and liked handshakes and shit like that? Suddenly her arms were around me and the smell of fruity perfume engulfed me. I laughed as I hugged her back. ‘It’s great to finally meet you!’

‘Same to you! I’ve heard so much about you! Andy never stops going on about you! I think there’s something there’ she said sure of her words before hearing her name being called by Andy. ‘Well I better go see what he wants’ she finished as she left the room.

I started placing the main dish out on the dining table. It was black and wooden with a teal table runner as it was a part of the kitchen. Once everything was set up I called for dinner. Everyone sat down while I got the wine to accompany the meal. One seat was left at the head of the table in-between Andy and his dad.

I sat down as the chatter started when everyone began to dig in. during the meal there were various conversations about Black Veil Brides etc. and I didn’t contribute until Amy grabbed my attention.

‘So Jamie…I understand that you had a troubling childhood, what with all the abuse and everything. I just don’t understand how a father can repeatable beat his own daughter…’ I know she didn’t mean anything by it but at that moment, as everyone’s eyes were on me and I glanced at all the shocked faces of the guys, I stood up knocking the chair to the ground and ran off upstairs. No one spoke while I was in earshot but after that I don’t know. I ended up in the living room and broke down immediately.

How dare he do this to me! I didn’t do anything to him and then he tells his parent about my childhood! He has no right to use that information! And now all the guys know. They are going to take pity on me and nothing will be the same again. I was on the floor leaning against the sofa with my hands over my face and knees pulled to my chest.

Just as things were getting better and I was enjoying the life I lead Andy had to go and mess everything up!

‘Jamie?’ Andy spoke softly like he would a tiger. I stood up, fists clenched.

‘How dare you!’


‘How dare you tell your parents about my life! I told you that in confidence and you betrayed me. I thought I could trust you! I thought I had at least one person who I could come too whenever I was upset!’

‘You do! I’m still here for you!’

‘Why would I come to you now? After you told everyone?’

‘I didn’t tell everyone’

‘Well you might as well have! Everyone knows now and my life is falling apart all over again! I thought I had found one piece of light in all h=this darkness but I was wrong! I don’t want to know you anymore! And to thing I was starting to have feelings for you! You could hardly keep the information! I bet you were dying to tell everything about my horrible life and how shit it was!’

‘Jamie I’m sorry...’.’ he trailed off but I didn’t want to be near him so I just stormed up stairs.

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