Kiss Me With A Bullet

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 I held onto Jamie’s hand like I had never before. I had been here for just under an hour, just talking about my future. Tour, the new house etc. she hadn’t gotten any worse but she wasn’t getting any better either, I suppose I can’t complain but how can I not? The person I have loved for years now, that I have just found a few days ago, could die any minute! I don’t want that to happen but I can’t stop it. If I could I would sacrifice myself to save her. She has so much to live for and so much to fix in her life. I have had a good life from birth but she got abused repeatedly. It just not fair!

I heard a faint knock upon the cold metal door, the door opened revealing a rushed looking Ashley, ‘it’s time to go…’ with this he walked away. I stood up; it had been 2 weeks since she slipped into a coma, which means it’s the day I head of to tour. I let of Jamie’s cold hand and stood up. I took one last glance at Jamie’s peaceful figure and walked out to the bus.


this is just a filler chapter, the next chapter will be set about 3 weeks after the start of tour.

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