I Am Your Forgotten Dream

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The next morning I and Ash were not the same. This was of course to be expected but we were fine last night, acting like nothing had happened. But now it was no eye-contact and no conversation. I can't help but feel like the guys will suspect something if we continue like this.

I was downstairs eating a bowl of cereal whilst everyone but I and ash were still in bed. It was incredibly awkward. So awkward in fact that he had to go into the living room whilst I stayed in the kitchen.

After my breakfast however I went back to my bedroom so I could see how much money I had left off moving in. I was contemplating moving out. Getting my own place and leaving Andy and Juliet to be happy together. That's the right thing to do right? At least I think it is. I had been looking for houses and apartments all night last night and that kind of warmed me to the idea of being independent and not having to rely on others to pay my rent and give me a room. I will miss the others but this is something I need to do, I am after all leaving high school in two months.

I heard a door open and close on the other side of the hallway signifying someone had woken up. I felt like I haven't spoken or seen anyone other than Andy and Ash for days and was desperate for some company other than them two. I followed in pursuit and ended up in the living room with the one and only Jinxx. 'Hey'

'Hi! How have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!' he exclaimed.

'Me too! I've been...coping...' I trailed off. He came up and wrapped his slender arms around my shoulders. 'I've done something stupid...' he pulled away and looked at me with worried eyes. He immediately grabbed my wrists and looked for any new cuts. 'Not that!' I almost yelled pulling my arm away. I know he meant well but that's a sensitive subject for me.

'sorry I shouldn't have done that! I just thought-' I cut him off.

'no, no that was my fault I should have been more specific.' I smiled up at him.

'so what was it?' he asked leading me by the wrist to sit down on the corner sofa.

'i-I, I can't tell you... I'm sorry I should never have mentioned it.

'well whatever it is I'm sure it isn't as bad as you think it is' I'm pretty sure its worse than I think it is thank you very much!

'have you spoken to Andy yet? I haven't seen him around today.'

'yeah I have...I have a feeling he is out...' I look down knowing exactly what he is doing.


'you'll find out soon enough' just then the front door opened and the light from outside crept into the living room before being dragged back out there with the door closing.

'Speaking of the devil' I muttered under my breath in annoyance.

Andy strutted in with Juliet on his arm with a huge smile on his face. Oh boy. 'hey guys! Me and Juliet have some exciting news for you!' Andy shouted, signaling all the guys to come downstairs. They all followed one by one and Ash just so happened to sit next to me.

Andy and Juliet stood in front of us, holding hands while everyone else was sat down on the L-shaped sofa. Juliet slowly unclasped her left hand from Andy's and held it up in the light. The silver stone shimmered in the light. The ring.

I looked at Andy and once his eyes locked with mine his face fell. He saw my pain and I bet he instantly regretted it. I shot up off the couch with tears in my eyes. I ran up the stairs, ignoring all of the calls and slammed my door, locking it and sliding my body down it. I sat there for a while, crying my eyes out before smashing the mirror on my wall.

The shiny shards of glass clattered as they hit the tiled floor of my bedroom. I was caught in a trance as my eyes locked onto a particular piece of the mirror and I walked forward, reaching for it. I picked it up and stared at my reflection before toying with it in my hand. The sharp edge pierced my hand and I broke out of the trance, dropping the glass back to the floor.

I can't believe I nearly did that! After all of the trouble that self-harm has got me into and I still feel the need to resort back to it. I ran to my bed and lifted my black suitcase from under it. I remember when I bought this. I was on my way to surprise Andy at one of his concerts. Now it's being used to run away from him.

I packed the essentials and a selection of my favorite clothes before shutting it and zipping it up. I quickly hid the suitcase as I heard a soft knock on the door. I watched, sitting on my bed, the door open and reveal the mistress herself. Juliet.

She smiled at me edging further into my domain. She approached me with caution as if I was some fierce, unpredictable animal. 'hey Jamie, I'm Juliet' she held out her hand for me to shake. I ignored her attempt to introduce herself to me and walked to shut the door behind her. I stood there watching her twist her face at my bedroom and its contents before she realized I was watching her.

'I understand that you were dating Andy yes?' she looked at me through her blonde hair.

'Yes' I stated simply, still blocking her exit.'before you came and stole him'

' I didn't steal him, I can't force someone to love me'

'You think he loves you? The only reason he is marrying you is because he knocked you up!' I screamed at her.

'He told you that I'm pregnant? Why would he tell you that? I wanted to tell you myself...'

'Juliet! What are you doing here!'

'I came to see if you're alright...and I wanted to introduce myself to you because I think we got off on the wrong foot' she stated, smiling at me.

I nodded. I didn't want to be nice to her. She stole my boyfriend off me, however I felt like I should make an effort to befriend her. For Andy's sake. 'Sorry...you can imagine why I'm being-' I was cut off.

'Hhysterical? Don't worry I understand. I didn't just come here for pleasantries though. I wanted to ask if you'd be my maid of honor...'

I stood there stunned at her request. Me? Why me? 'I don't know Juliet'

'Please? I don't have any close female friends and your really close to Andy...'

I can't imagine why she doesn't have any close female friends.

I reluctantly obliged 'I suppose so' she screamed and ran towards me. Hugging me, she forced us to jump up and down like some high school sorority. this was a huge mistake...

Authors Note - Please Read

Firstly i just want to apologize for not uploading for 5 months. My life has been pretty hectic recently. At first it was writers block and then a family emergency but now its a month till my exams start and so i will not be uploading for another couple of months. I am sorry for any inconveniences.

-Jessi-Mae x

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