The next morning.

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Blake's POV.

I saw Klaus in what seemed like a dream. He was in white and with him was a little girl holding a flower. I try to move towards them but I was stuck where I was. They walk towards me and the closer they get the more I see the resemblance between me and the little girl who was all smiles.

There were no words. The little girl handed me he flower and Klaus reached up to touch my face. When I opened my eyes I see them walking away to nothing. I tried to yell at them to stop, or to wait for me. They never looked back. They just went and were gone out of my sight.

I felt a little pain when I tried to move, I slowly opened my eyes not knowing what happened or where I was. I saw lights above my head. I could properly tilt my head around and I figured I may be on a cast. I can't move my legs either and for a moment of panic a flashback of what happened comes all the way back in my head.

We were on our way home. I remember singing along with a song on the radio and then Klaus lost control and everything seemed to go in a rush. Next thing I know we were going down that ravine with big rocks around.

I recall the frantic voice of Carrie yelling as we crashed, I remember vividly how Klaus quickly unbuckled his seatbelt to jump on top of me and cradle me in his arms as we brace the impact and everything went black.

I tried to open my eyes yet again and I felt warm hands over my head and I knew it was my mom.

"Mama." I whispered but I'm not sure if it was loud enough for her to hear. It's nice to feel her hand over mine.

I felt her kiss my forehead.

"I'm here sweetheart, daddy is here too. We're here." She whispered back like it was a soothing sound in my ears.

I felt a grip over my other hand and I knew it was my father. I blinked thrice to wash away the blurriness of my vision and when I it was clear I was laid in a hospital bed I slowly jerked my head to see my moms face and her teary eyes.

"Ma, I can't move my legs." I cried out almost in panic as the tears roll down my face. She holds me firmly in my arm to keep me rested and I avoided moving just to make sure I will not cause anymore injury to myself than I already have.

"I know sweetheart, it's gonna be like that for awhile but nothing to worry about, your sensation will come back." She assures me.

I tried to slowly angle my vision around the room and realized I was in a private room, I felt my chest sore a little and a headache with a bit blurry visits pin everything seemed fine.

I was in the process of recalling the details when I heard the door open and doctors swarmed in to check on me. Dr. Jennings was also present.

"About time sleeping beauty wakes up!" He cheered and goes about to examine my heart rate.

"How long was I out?" I asked in confusion. Still in a daze and in probable shock.

He checks his watch and removes his stethoscope while the other examines my immobilized lower part.

"For about a week, you got us worried. How are you feeling? Any shortness of breathe? Any pain?" He asked while he slowly lifts my chin to the side.

"Nothing I can't handle." I said.

They proceed to take off the brace over my neck and made me do a few movements to determine the status of my spine. Thankfully everything was well and good.

"A few more days and you'll be good to go." He says in delight but I was in a bit awe and confusion why my parents were seemingly forcing a smile. The puffy eyes, weary and tired and worried.

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