chapter 36

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i was so happy when i saw her well aging. she was like a child, so when i saw her in that hospitle bed i almost died of sadness.its one of the worst felling you could ever fell.

as i was hugging venus she keap saying "beth, i cant breagh. plese let me go." i did and she took a big gasp of air.

Then i remebered the presents we got from the after party when we killed the Litch. I ran to her room and grabbed them.

When I brought them into the room Mikey smacked his head and said "the presents from the celebration! how did I forget!" Raph smacked him upside the head and yelled "how could you NOT forget!"

Venus had 3 presents. one from one of her friends she meet from day care, and the other 2 were from her day care super-visors. One of the super visors -ms. Candy corn- gave her a set of markers, and her friend -Candy- (yes, her name Is Candy) gave her a necklace that said best friends on it.

Then we went to the last one, and I saw that there was a note on it. Donnie tore it of and read it out loud. "it says" he began "I found this in the forest. I didn't know what it was until I saw how powerful it was. hope you get home safely. love ms. Popper."

Venus tore the paper of and opened the box. inside was a green chaos emerald!

I was a little surprised, my vision said that the last to chaos emerald would be in the killer robot. I guess my ability isn't as developed as I thought.

Venus looked at it and said "are we going home soon?" I sat down by her bed and explained that we needed to find one more chaos emerald. Rachel walked by and said "the cool thing is that we know where it is. we just need to fight to get to it."

Mario said something I couldn't translate. luckily peach could. she thought for a moment and said "Mario asked 'how do you know that.'" Raph looked at her with a confused look and said "you know what he said? HOW!?"

"peach been dateing Mario for a while, so, yha." daisy said in responce.

me, raph, and rachel explained that all are enameys are makeing a big robot to find the chaos emerald, and maybe distroy us. then luigi just started to freak out. in the back of my mine i was thing 'wimp.'

we checked to see how damaged are armor from the litch battle was. only venues was. but she was staying behind, so we didnt need to repair that, to much. just enough tho make sure if something dose go wrong she would be ok.

other wise, all the armor was fine.

we all put it on and we chose who would go and stay behind. we decided that me, Leo, Raph, Mikey, Rachel, Donnie, Finn, Jake, Mario, Luigi, and Sonic would go. we took all 6 chaos emeralds. I don't know why. sonic said that it would help us out.

We sharpened are weapons and are minds and started to headed off. Before we got though the door splinter stopped us and said "my children. I am very proud of you all. I knew you would be great Hero's in are world, but this is, this my children, is wonderful. remember your ninja training. and Bethany," I looked at him with a small smile as he continued "I'd like you to use what I taught you and what the Shredder taught you." "I don't think that would be a problem master Yoshi." I said in a happy tone.

Then I felt a small tug in my arm. I looked down and saw Venus. I picked her up and she hugged me. she apologized and I said "I know you are. but this dose not mean your off the hook. you will still be punished." I handed her back to bubble gum. Then sonic taped me on the shoulder and said that we needed to go. the we headed off.

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