Chapter 48

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Zoë's POV
I hear my phone ringing from the other room.
I get up from doing my makeup to retrieve it, looking at the caller ID: Katherine.
"Hey Katherine, what's up? Is everything okay?" I ask, walking back to my makeup room.
"Hi Zo, yeah everything's great actually. Joe and I sorted out our wedding date and venue!" She exclaimed.
"Oh my god you guys that's great! When are you getting your dress and whatnot?"
"Actually, that's what I was calling you about. Would you and Poppy mind coming with me wedding dress shopping?"
"Of course! Would you mind if my mum came or Amanda or someone? Maybe they could help out too." I suggested, applying some blusher.
"No, not at all! It would be great to see them." She replied, "I was thinking about going today or tomorrow, whatever is best for you."
"Could we go tomorrow? Alfie and I have a date night." I tell her, putting on some rose gold eyeshadow.
"Yep, that's okay. Okay, thank you so much Zoë! Love you lots. Bye."
"Love you lots too, byeee." I say before hanging up our phone call.
I finish up my date night makeup look which consisted of foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, blusher, contour, highlighter, eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow pencil and gel, and a pink lipstick.
I curled my hair ran my fingers through it, making the curls looser and more beachy looking.
I picked out a pleated black dress with a cut out sides and back.
I wore my patent black heels and put on a necklace with a Z on it.
My nails were painted orange, and I had a ring on.
Alfie and I went to the cinema to watch Me Before You, which I cried uncontrollably at, so luckily I wore waterproof makeup.
Then we went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner before coming home and crashing on the sofa.

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