Chapter 44

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Katherine's POV
*** One week later ***
I had been engaged to Joe for just over a week, and we were moving in to our new apartment today.
I couldn't contain my excitement, I was so happy that we were finally being able to live together!
There were so many boxes coming from both Zalfie and Jaspar's houses, as I had been living between the houses.
I hurl one last box into the transit van and slide the shutters down. I go round to the passenger side and climb in.
"Ready to go." I say to Joe, breathless and he laughs and starts driving.
We were in London, bringing our things from Joe's, now just Caspar's, to the new apartment.
It was in Brighton, around the corner to Zoë and Alfie's house.
I take out my phone and open messages. I quickly type a text to my dad saying that Joe and I are just leaving for the journey to the new place.
Good luck sweetheart. Love you, stay safe. X
I smile at his quick reply and turn off my phone, looking out the window and sigh.
"You okay, babe?" Joe asks, grabbing my thigh.
"Yeah, I'm fine thanks. Why do you ask?" I say, smiling at him and holding his hand.
"Just wondering. You seem sad and down or anxious or something. You sure you're okay?"
"Yep, all good." I flash my teeth and stick out my tongue.
The sun is just about to start setting, so I get snapchat ready to take a picture of the sunset.
While I wait, I take a selfie of Joe and I. Of course, he isn't looking at the camera because he's driving, but the puppy filter still picked up on him. I did a peace sign and stuck out my tongue and pressed the button.
'Moving dayyyyy! :))' I put as the caption and made it brighter.
The traffic was really bad on the way there, so our journey took nearly five hours.
"We still have the van for another two days, so we can unpack tomorrow. Just make sure you padlock the shutters closed." I say to Joe as we arrive. He is already super tired and grumpy, so removing everything from the van tonight would only make his mood worse.
"Good idea." He kisses my nose, as we turn into the road.
"That's it! There's the apartment block!" I say, super giddy and excited.
"Yeah. There it is." Joe replies, pulling into a parking space outside.
We get out the vehicle and Joe padlocks the shutters with another lock. Just to make it extra-safe.
I grab his hand as we walk up to the building together and unlock the door. The smell of dust hits me like a baseball in the face.
"Oh my god it smells so bad," I say, pinching my nostrils closed.
"Haha, well we will buy some air fresheners and candles tomorrow then. I brought in blankets and cushions so we can sleep on the floor in our bedroom whilst the mattress arrives." Joe says, looking around with his hands on his hips.
"I already love it here. It's ours now! How crazy is that?!" I say to him, and hug him tightly.
"Babe. Can't. Breathe." He strains to breathe from my embrace.
"Oops, sorry." I let go and laugh.
He laughs along and we go to our room to sleep. We've had a long day today and will have an even longer day tomorrow. A day of unpacking. Gross.

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