Chapter 30

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Katherine's POV
I was scrolling through RightMove, looking for an apartment to move into in Hove, Brighton.
I had been staying in between hotels, motels, the Zalfie household and Joe and Caspar's apartment for nearly 5 months now, and I had decided it was time to get a place of my own.
Joe was sat next to me on the sofa, and the other side of him was Caspar and they were playing Fifa.
"Yes I got Ronaldo!" Caspar shouted, accidentally dropping his phone from beneath him on his seat.
"Oops. I didn't mean to do that."
Joe groaned, but also laughed at Caspar's iPhone on the floor.
Caspar picked it up and turned it around so he could look at the screen.
"Oh no." He said, slapping his forehead.
"What? What did you do to it?" I asked him.
"Smashed it." He groaned, plopping back down into his seat.
"Unlucky for you. Now you have to get it repaired, possibly get a new microphone and speakers, which could come to roughly about... £95?" I chuckled, going back to my laptop.
"Crap. I messed up this time. And, it's not the first time I've done it either!" He sighed, picking up the xbox controller.
"I need to get better players but I don't have enough money."
"Sucks for you," says Joe, laughing at Caspar's misery.

I put my laptop on the kitchen countertop and say to the boys, who were still engrossed in their game of Fifa, "Anyone want pizza?"

Both of their eyes lit up, and they excitedly nodded their heads, I was worried they would fall off their necks.
"Okay, what toppings do you want? And what size, too?" I asked them, grabbing some paper and a pen.
"Large, pepperoni with double mascarpone and tomatoes for me babe." Joe said to me.
"Large Hawaiian with double pineapple and some sweet corn please." Caspar politely asked, before bursting out laughing at his attempt of being polite.
"Sure thing, kiddos. Be back soon. Love you Joe." I say as I grab the door keys and shut the door behind me.

It was quite warm this evening in London.
"Oh my gosh, is that Katherine Robinson?!" I hear someone shriek from behind me. I turn around to see four teenage girls running towards me, phones in hands.
"Omg, we love your videos! Can we have a picture? Please!" One of them asked.
They were all so pretty, one had long curly blonde hair and green eyes, and was wearing a flower crown, one had short straight brown to blonde ombré hair and had brown eyes and freckles, one had fiery red hair and blue eyes and freckles, and one had waist length black hair and dark brown eyes.
"Of course! What's your names?" I ask.
"I'm Carissa." Blonde hair says,
"I'm Judith." Ombré hair says,
"I'm Felicity." Red hair says,
"And I'm Georgia." Black hair says.
"I love all of those names! And you're all so pretty!" I gush, taking Carissa's iPhone to take a selfie.
"Pose for the camera girls!" I exclaim and they all pout and do peace signs.
I stick my tongue out and wink slightly.
"Thankyou so much guys! I really appreciate it! Do you all have social media that I can follow you on?" I ask them, and they all hand me a piece of paper, as if they were prepared to meet me, with their Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and SnapChat names on.
"Thanks Katherine! We love you!" They shout as we say our goodbyes and separate.
"Love you too girls!" I shout back.

Time to get those pizzas. I had thought about it, and I had decided on a small cheese pizza, as I didn't really like any toppings on my pizzas, and I wasn't that hungry either.

I bought the pizzas and made my way back to the apartment.
"Knock knock," I say as I enter the apartment, "I have our pizzas!"
"Yes! I'm so hungry I could eat anything literally." Caspar pats his 'empty' stomach and licks his lips as he catches sight of the food.
"Yum." He says, grabbing his one and going to sit back down again.
"Thank you baby for getting these. This is why I love you."
"Wait, you love me because I buy you food?!" I sarcastically ask, placing a hand on my heart.
"No haha that's not what I meant. Anyways, I love you no matter what." He kissed my forehead and sat down again, patting the seat next to him for me to sit down with them.

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