Chapter 12

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(Here are the messages said to Zoë from her friends and family members.)

Dear Zoë,
I miss you so much. You are the best sister anyone could ask for and have been through so much in life, and I believe in you making it through this coma.
Please wake up soon Zoë, Alfie, mum, dad and I are all so anxious. Promise me you'll wake up soon? Katherine is awake and she comes in every single day to see you and she speaks to you all the time too. Her worst injury was her broken leg, but that was only a small break in her shin bone and she says she isn't angry at you.
She says she won't ever be angry with you because she's your best girlfriend. She loves you lots Zoë and she wants you to wake up just as much as everyone else does.
Please wake up, I love you sis. See you soon.
Love from Joe.

To little one,
I love you so much. You are the love of my life and I am broken without you. Nala has been crying all the time and she is becoming depressed, as am I.
Zoë, I miss you so much. I have been trying to continue with life in a way but I just can't handle the pain. Katherine has been calling me every single day to see how I've been doing. I've told her I am okay, but I'm not. I'm really not okay. I miss you like crazy. I've quit YouTube until you wake up.
I have told everyone why through Twitter, but I didn't tell them about the accident or anything.
Please wake up Zoë. I have so much else to tell you.
Anna and Jonathan have been in and dropped off some flowers and a card for you, and Emilia and Eduardo were really sad. They didn't quite understand why you were in hospital though, so I told them that you were poorly and needed some doctors to make you feel better. That seemed to work. They became happier and gave you a kiss on each cheek. Eduardo said he loved you and Emilia said she thinks you are her big sister. They love you Zoë, they really do. I love you so much though. You are my sunshine. My Zoë. Please wake up gorgeous, we all miss you. Love you, from Alfafa.

Zoë. Darling, I can't believe this happened to you. Of all people, you. You are the most perfect daughter anyone could ever ask for. I love everything about you. You are so beautiful and have made me so proud over the years. You were the most loving and funny child, and your humor has grown with you.
Please wake up darling, we miss you. We love you. Any time Nala sees a picture of you she begins crying and barking which makes me cry.
I miss you so much, and I can see how much it's getting to Joe and Alfie. They are always crying. Joe never comes out of his room at his apartment, Caspar told me. The only time he comes out is to see you.
He isn't eating properly either. We all miss you endless amounts, sweetheart. Please wake up. Love you, from mum.

Darling please wake up. I can't handle not getting a message from you or a phone call like you usually do. I have come in today with some flowers, a card and a prezzie for you. I hope you like them.
I've been staying at Caspar and Joes apartment for a while to keep an eye on Joe because he hasn't been eating properly recently.
It probably sounds like I'm blaming this on you, but I'm not. I promise. It wasn't your fault that all this happened. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, that's all.
But darling, I miss your sweet voice and laugh. I miss seeing you awake and happy. I miss you. Please wake up. Love dad.

Oh, Zoë! I miss you so much! I never meant for any of this to happen! If I hadn't of said I needed my things, we wouldn't be in this position. I've woken up now, as you can tell. But I just need you to wake up now and for you to be okay.
That will give me that extra boost of happiness.
I'm not angry with you. Not in the slightest. All of this was my fault. Everyone has been coming in and out of the hospital to see you, even Tyler, Connor and Troye flew over to see you. They're staying in the same hotel as me. Joey texted me yesterday and said he's flying over today.
It's been nearly two weeks now Zoë. Please wake up. We all miss you, so so so much. You are our best friend, our Lush addict, Pug loving best friend. Mark keeps having mental breakdowns thinking about everything.
I'm trying to keep a positive mind about thinks, telling everyone that you're going to wake up soon. Please don't make me wrong. Wake up Zoë we need you. Lots of love from Kate.

Zoë. I can't handle this anymore. The silence is deafening. Please wake up. I keep having mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks. You are so special and important to me. I love you. Please wake up.
I'm just going to keep saying Diablo until you wake up. That's our word. Diablo. Diablo. Diablo. Diablo. Please wake up, is what I'm trying to say to you. I need you to wake up. I can't take it any more. It's so painful watching everyone else suffer Zoë, it really is. You have so many flowers and Get Well Soon cards and chocolates and presents and everything. I need you awake. Please wake up soon babes. Miss you lots. love you lots. Mark.

Authors note.

Guys this was so emotional to write. I really can't wait any longer. Will Zoë wake up soon? Find out in the next few chapters! Love you all xoxo

I love you, idiot (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora