Chapter 46

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Katherine's POV
"And... Done!" I say excitedly as I place the aloe plant on the kitchen counter.
"It looks great babe." Joe says, hugging me from behind and resting his head on my shoulder.
"Thank you." I say, spinning round and kissing him, laughing.
"I can't believe we're all moved in already. Everything went so quickly!" He says, running a hand through his hair.
I agree, and we hear the doorbell ring.
"I'll get it." I say, walking over to it and looking through the peephole.
"It's Zoë!" I say, opening the door.
"Hello future sister in law and my broseph!" She says, hugging us both, "it looks so good in here!" She says, looking around.
"Thanks Zoë, I'll just get all the presents." Alfie muttered, gift bags stacked high in his hands.
"Sorry. I was too excited to wait and I had to look around before you did!" She says, grabbing some bags from him.
"So we just went to Marks and Spencer and Asda and bought you some homeware bits and bobs." Zoë rushes, handing Joe and I gift bags.
The first one I opened had a cute little set of cooking books, including Tanya Bakes.
Joes one had plants and cookie jars.
We thanked them and we receive plants, books, mirrors, photo frames and cushions to accessorize our new home. 
Zoë and Alfie leave at about 3PM, when Joe and I go for a walk down on the seafront and buy got donuts and fish and chips for dinner.
"Pass the salt babe," I say, and Joe slides the salt across the table.
We sit down and begin to eat.
"Oh my gosh these chips are so nice!" Joe says, with wide eyes as he munches on one.
"It's weird saying chips, because where I'm from chips are what you Brits call crisps." I point out, cutting my fish.
"Oh yeah, I never really thought about that." He says, still eating his meal.
"That was a good walk and thank you for buying dinner." I say as we lock the door.
It was 11PM and we had just got in from our walk.
In the end, we went on the pier and played in the arcades for a couple hours.
We decided we were too tired to stay up and watch proper tv in the living room, so I made us both a hot chocolate and took it into the bedroom where Joe was setting up Netflix. We were hooked on this series that we'd never come across before or really looked into watching, called The Walking Dead. We'd heard of it but never really took much interest in it.
I changed into my favorite silk nightgown and curled up next to Joe in bed, occasionally sipping my hot chocolate, and watching Netflix.
Eventually I feel myself fall into a deep, well deserved sleep.

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