Chapter 17

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Joes POV
I heard the noise of her shoes coming down the stairs.
I looked up towards the direction and she was walking down, attempting to balance herself as she was wearing heels.
She looked incredible. Her dress fitted in all the right places, showed off some skin, and her shoes made her nearly as tall as me. She was so short, so even wearing heels she wasn't that tall.
She was a bit shorter than Zoë I guess you could say.
Her makeup and hair completed the look, and I had to use everything I had to refrain myself from making out with her right now.
I wanted her to be mine so badly. Words could not describe how much I loved her.
I loved everything about her. She was so cute, but somehow so flawless and hot at the same time.
Everything she wore was so flattering and incredible, and beautiful.
I'm so glad Zoë became her friend.
I had known her since I was five, because Zoë was her best friend in primary school.
Katherine had lived in the US for six years and moved the year she started primary school in the UK.

~joes imagine~
"Good morning baby. I made you breakfast!" Katherine kissed me on the lips and handed me a plate of bacon, eggs and sausages.
"Mum! Dad! Don't kiss in front of us!" Our children Emma and Evan squealed and shielded their eyes.
I was off to work this morning at the office, where I earned nearly 3 million a year.
We owned a beautiful house, with six bedrooms and four bathrooms, two living rooms, two kitchens and a garage.
With a Jaguar, Range Rover and Bentley parked in the driveway, I chose which one to use today by studying the keys.
Bentley it was.
Katherine was expecting another baby, and she was three months along, I couldn't wait for another bundle of joy in our perfect lives.
I had always loved her. From the moment I laid eyes on her. One day she confessed to me that she loved me. We had had an argument over something silly, and it accidentally came out of her mouth. I couldn't believe it. She loved me back? No way.
And now look at where we are.
We also owned a holiday home in LA, and one in Spain too.
I watched in awe as my beautiful wife kissed our twins on the heads and waved them out of the door, on their way to school.

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