Chapter 5

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I felt a sudden rush of anxiety flush over me like a wave crashing on the shore.
I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I kept telling myself.
I paid the taxi driver and hopped out, onto the pavement outside Zoe and Alfie's house.
I heard Zoë's angelic voice coming from over the garden wall, then a bark from Nala. I had never met Nala before so I was very excited to meet her.
I took a long, deep breath and buzzed the key pad on the front gate.
Alfie's voice answered, "Hi, who is this?"
I replied with a eager tone in my voice, "Alfie it's Katherine, Zoë's friend. Please don't tell her I'm here I just got here from New York."
"Really?! I'll let you in. Be right there." He gasped.
Soon after i heard the front door slam shut and the crunch of pebbles coming towards me.
I smiled as he opened the gate and hugged him.
"Alfie, who's at the gate?" I hear Zoë ask. I peer round the corner of the house to see Zoë sat on the grass with Nala, playing tug of war with her.
"It's a package for you little one!" He replied, biting his lip to contain his laughter as I ran and hid behind the other side of the house.
"Really? Coming!"
I hear her stand up and walk briskly towards the front of the house, Nala following closely behind her.
"Where is it?" She nervously giggles slightly, looking around.
"HERE!" I shout and jump out, running towards her.
"KATHY! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She tackled me into a hug, dragging me down to the floor.
"I missed you too! How have you been?"
"I've been great thanks, you? I can't believe you're here!" She placed a hand over her thumping heart.
"Aw, me too! Guess what? I moved to England. Today."
"No way?! Why didn't you tell me all this?! Alfie, did you know about her coming here?" She turned to her boyfriend who was turning red from laughing and vlogging the entire thing.
"No, I promise I didn't know. She just turned up I swear!" He threw his hand up in the air.
"Okay, I still can't believe it! We need a YouTuber reunion for you! I'll invite everyone." She rambled on, taking my hand and guiding me into the living room.

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