Chapter 37

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Katherine's POV
Zoë picked me up in her car and we drove to BlueWater shopping center. Whenever I was with Zoë, more people recognized us, mainly her because she was more known and bigger in the YouTube world compared to me.
We had signed books, phone cases, water bottles, bags, purses, mirrors and one time a guy asked us to sign his stomach, which we politely declined and signed a piece of paper instead.
We had come here with Louise and Anna SacconeJoly too before, and it was so much fun.
We looked around in many different shops, like Topshop and River Island. (A/N: idk what shops are in BlueWater so I'll just say some random clothes shops lol)
"Ooh, this ones nice!" Zoë says to me from over a clothes rail.
I walk around to her side to see her picking up a gold sequin dress which was very short and very revealing.
"Joe will love it." She winked at me, laughing.
"I actually really like it to be honest with you." I say, taking it from her hands.
"Really?" She sounds surprised. "I was joking when I showed you it. I didn't think you would like it." She says to me, frowning slightly.
"I really like it." I say, looking at it.
I tell her I'm going to try it on, and head to the changing rooms.
I take my phone with me, so I can ask Joe and my social media followers what they think.
It's a tight fit, but that makes it better. I decide to keep hold of it in case I buy it. But i still walk around looking to see if I see another one that I like.
However in the end I didn't find any others that I liked. We went to the cashiers and paid for the dress. I hadn't even looked at the price tag until we got to pay.
It was £70! I was shocked but I loved the dress so much so I paid for it on my credit card.
"I didn't expect it to be that much!" I whisper to Zoë as we are walking out towards the parking lot.
"Didn't you even look at the price tag?" She giggles, unlocking the car as we approach it.
"No! I forgot to! I only saw the price when she scanned it on the machine." I explain, leaving Zoë in fits of laughter.
"You're so stupid how can you forget to look at a price tag?!" She says nearly crying from laughing so much.
"I don't even know to be honest with you." I say laughing with her.

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