Chapter 24

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Zoë's POV
I woke up at 6 AM to Nala, licking my face, which was her way of telling me she needed to go out.
"Okay, Nala shall we go downstairs then?" I sighed, rubbing my eyes free of sleep.
I opened the bedroom door and let her out onto the landing, hearing her little feet run down the stairs and into the hallway.
I opened the living room door and the back door and let her run free in the garden.
I decided that there was no point going back to bed, so I decided to have some breakfast.
I made Alfie and I waffles with strawberries and blueberries and maple syrup.
I put some tin foil over Alfies because he was still asleep and then the flies would stay out of it.
I sat down at the kitchen table scrolling through Twitter and I posted a photo of my waffle on snapchat too.

When I was scrolling through Twitter, something caught my eye.

'It's official! Find out what I'm talking about in my new video, up at 4pm today! -@Joe Sugg'

I instantly knew what he was talking about, and I smiled to myself.
"Well done little brother, you've got yourself a golden one." I whispered, giggling slightly.

Then I got up and put my plate and knife and fork in the dishwasher.

Nala came trotting in, clearly pleased with what she had done outside.
"Gross, Nala." I muttered, reaching into the cupboard for a small bag and tiptoed outside so my flip flops wouldn't make a noise on the decking outside of the back door.

It was November and it was still slightly dark outside, despite it being nearly half past six in the morning.

When I had finished clearing up after Nala, we went inside and I closed the door and then washed my hands.
Then we both went upstairs and I let Nala into mine and Alfies bedroom where she jumped on him to wake him up.
I grabbed my vlogging camera and turned it on,
"Good morning everybody! I decided I wanted to vlog today because Joe has some exciting news. Obviously I'm at home right now, but we are going to London today to see him." I spoke to the camera, smiling before pausing it and turning it off.
I went into the bathroom and did my usual morning routine; had a shower, did my morning skincare routine, blowdried my hair and then went into my walk in wardrobe to get dressed.
I chose out a pair of black leggings, some white converse shoes and a dark red sweater. Very Christmassy. As you can tell, I was already getting into the Christmas spirit that I had every single year.
Then I moved onto makeup. I vlogged me doing my makeup and went for a wintery look.

"So I've brought you into the spare room upstairs where I do most of my videos and I'm going to film my makeup look for today!" I set the camera down. By now, it was almost quarter to eight.

"So this is the foundation that I'm using today, it's the Tarte Rainforest of the seas one and look at this packaging! It's so pretty!" I showed the camera the bottle of my foundation that I had received in my PO box.
"This is my all time favorite concealer, as all you guys know. It's the Collection Lasting Perfection concealer. It's just incredible stuff, you know?" I laughed and applied the concealer.
Then I talked through all the rest of the products that I used, as in powder, bronzer, blusher, eyebrow pen, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipliner and lipstick.
I chose a gold eyeshadow with a basic eyeliner look, with some dark plum lipstick and liner.
For my hair, I straightened it and did a half up half down messy bun look.
(A/N: I will upload pictures of the hairstyle, outfit and makeup above.)
"Okay guys, I'm just waiting for Alfie to finish off getting ready and then we are heading off to London! We're talking Nala to Alfies mums house because she hasn't seen Buzz in a while and we're going to be out all day long so she can keep her for the day!" I paused and turned off the camera.

"Hurry up alf! I'm waiting for you!" I shouted up the stairs.
I heard his footsteps coming across the landing and then down the stairs.
"I'm ready now. Let's go!" He took hold of Nalas lead and put her in the car.
Off to London we go!

Authors note.
Oh my gosh you guys this chapter took me so long to write! It's super long so hopefully it's good for you. It was 768 words long so that's nearly 400 words more than in a usual chapter of mine haha.
Hope you're enjoying so far! I will put together some photos of what Zoë was wearing and how her hair and makeup looked as I imagined it to be.
Love you all lots xoxo

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