Chapter 4

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Eventually the day of the move rolled around.
I woke up at nearly 8AM, which was quite early for me still, and got dressed into some yoga pants and a tank top. I threw on a hoodie jumper and slipped on my Nike Huaraches.
In my hand luggage I had packed my wallet, my iPad, my laptop, my headphones, my phone charger (portable), Fifty Shades Of Grey, my vlogging camera and my passport.
I had also packed a small makeup bag with a concealer, mascara and eyebrow pencil and powder. All my other makeup was in my main makeup bag in one of my suitcases.
My dad and step mom were already awake and ready to take me to the airport. I was going to buy a new car when I got out there.
My dad had given me $10,000 to change into British pounds, which came to £7569. I could buy a temporary car out there, then when I had earned some money, buy a new and better one.
I was just focusing on my breathing and keeping my anxiety under control.
I didn't like flying in airplanes anyways, let alone by myself.
My dad was really supportive and helped me when I became very anxious and had panic attacks, but I'll just have to keep them under control as much as I possibly can.
-Later on that day-
When I landed in Heathrow Airport in London, I was so relieved that I had actually made it without a major panic attack.
I mean, I had a mini one when the plane was taking off and landing again, but they weren't that bad. When we were flying, I was fine, I had things to do to take my mind off it, and I fell asleep at one point.
I collected my suitcases and called for a taxi.
I was starving so I told the driver to drive to the nearest fast food restaurant.
I know I was trying to lose some weight, but I could eat anything.
He drove me to a McDonalds and I paid him the fee, then went inside and ate.
I decided to go to a hotel and drop off all my luggage, then get a taxi to Zoë and Alfies house.

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