she won't let me drown

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its for a friend of mine who's never left me no matter whats happened, she's been there for me throug everything, so this is my way of saying thanks

days go on forever

the nights refuse to end

the water envelops

time goes on forever

if i look in the distance

i can see the light in the water

its the warm sun i can't feel

the water down here is cold

i see a distant figure

she dives down again and again

she keeps trying to reach me

we both know she won't make it

we both know its too late for me

no one can save me now

but she continues to try

she refuses to let me die

every time she gets closer

she's not going to make it

i'm fading away fast

the warmth is sucked from me

i don't know how

but somehow she makes it

she gives me a smile

"I told you I wasn't going to let you drown"

our faces break through the surface of the water

"Thanks for saving me."

"Thats what friends are for."

poems for my friendsWhere stories live. Discover now