my friends are there for me

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i'm not alone

my friends are here

they'll help me up

no matter how many times i fall down

they won't leave me behind

no matter what goes wrong

they'll be there until the end

we've all hand our hardships

things change among us

one day one of us will crack and break

and the others will put her back together

i've been there for them through thick and thin

i was dealt a bag hand in the came called life

now its thier turn to help me get through this

they're not going to let me fall

just like Alexis said

"we all have wings, but we just have to find them"

we've all had the violent winds throw us around

but we've all made it through those winds

its my turn to face the storm

no matter how many times i fall

i know that they'll be the ones to help me up

even if my wings break into a million peices

i know that they'll lend me thier wings

they'll teach me how to fly again

they'll always be there to help me

no matter whats wrong with anyone

the others will be there for the one that breaks

i know that i can laways count on my friends

no matter what happens to me or them

we'll be able to count on each other no matter what

astma's come to knock me down again

but its goig to have to get through my friends first

becase just like i've been there for them when they neeeded me

i know that they'll stick with me

they'll help me see this through till the end

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