pro's and con's of the afterlife

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the pro's and con's of the afterlife

which side has more

is there more bad

or more good

after death?

the pro's

no more depression

no more crying

no more abuse

you don't need


to be happy

in the afterlife

the con's

i'll never see you again

i'll never be able

to tell you

that the last words

you heard me say

were lies

i didn't hate you

all your friends

we all miss you


you left holes

in our lives

that can't be filled

the pro's

the day i chose

to beleive in angles

was the day

you left this world

because i know

that your my angle

that i have you

watching over me

and one day

i'll see you again

and i know

that when my time comes

you'll be the one

to welcome me

to paradise

for me

the pro's


the cons

one day

i'll see you again

my friend

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