skin and bones-her anorexia

506 2 0

its from my quizilla account

you lied today again

no one saw that lie

you said you weren't hungry

you've learned how to lie to us

making us think that your feeling bad

that you already ate

you've gotten skinneir

you think its a compliment

so you eat a little less

what the hell is wrong with you?

i can count your ribs

i'm okay, i'll ust loose a few more pounds

that just it

there is nothing more for you to loose

you a sack of skin and bones

you think your fat

i've seen models who are fatter than you

a model is skinny

but you can't count her ribs

why can't you see

why do you think that your okay

you're going to die

i've already lost kyla

i'm not going to loose you

i'll find a way

to make you eat

no matter how much you hate me

i have to do something

before you die of hunger

the people here in this country are fat

they have more than enough to eat

its the poor people

the kids in worse places

they die of starvation

this isn't a game

you'll die witout food

just these last five pounds

what last five pounds?!

there's nothing left for you to loose

i can't understand

why no one sees

what you've become

they tell you your so skinny

but you don't see

the look of horror on thier faces

you not skinny

you're a sack of bones

at night you cry

thinking that your fat

you take pills

to stop your stomach

from begging for substenance

you won't eat anything

and if you do eat

your fingers go down your throat

what the hell is wrong with you

death isn't a game

you should know better

what kind of game are you playing

you look in the mirror

you see a fat person

please just eat something

eat it for me

i've lost one friend already

i don't want to loose you

you won't be okay

you won't make it through another day

why can't you see that

what happened to you

you used to love food

but now you hate it

food is your enemy

we're best friends

best friends don't lie to each other

so why are you saying you'll be fine

wake up before its too late

you'll end up dead

is that what you wanted?

what kind of a friend are you

why are you putting me through this

just please eat something

eat something

for me?

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