jenny's poem

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jenny wrote this poem and she wanted to put it up- i suck at poetry but i guess this isn't THAT bad. i'm putting this up there for the people who are fighting the knife. find some friends. they'll help you get through it, i'm still cutting, but its getting a little easier to stop

i tried to stop the pain

i only brought more of it onto me

i'm so confused and lost now

i'm reaching out for something to cling to

i'm so cold

the only heat left is my heart

where my best friends lie

my heart pounds

my friends try to keep me here

how far did this go?

it was just a little cut

just when i couldn't take it anymore

i thought i had it under control

but i got caught

i was lying to myself

i didn't control the knife

the knife controlled me

but not anymore

my wounds are slowly healing

the scars slowly fading

the knie used to be the thing

that saved me from the oblivion i was in

by taking me to another oblivion

it was always there when i needed it

my life is hell on earth

i neeed something to keep me here

i need some reasn to stay

because i just see no point to this

but my friends did the same thing

they came to my aid when they found out

they'll be there for me when i need them

and thier better than the knife

the knife lulled me in with false promises

my friends kept thier promise

thier warm blanket engulfs me

keeping out the cold

and i galdy snuggle under it


that they'll protect me

when the cold winds come

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