i know you're cutting again

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i see you again

you've got scars

from using that knife

the ones you tried to hide

i'm gettng better

i promise i am

i just needed to

this one time

don't listen to her

i'm here for you jenny

i'll always be here for you

you can find sharp objects

wherever you look jenny

ignore the anoying girl

she thinks your a monster

i'm here to help you

i know you need me

i don't know what to beleive anymore

you already promised me once that you

would stop cutting once before

but i don't care

cutter or not

scars or no scars

you're still my best friend

but everyone thinks your fine

i'm being ripped in half

by the two sides at war

the people that don't know

about the scars on my wrists

and the one friend who found out

i'm so sick of all of this

everyone thinks its just a phase

but who should i listen to?

i was there for you befoe she was

i know who you are jenny, you don't need the knife you're stronger than tht

you know that i'll never leave you i'll always take the pain

you don't need to cut yourself jenny don't you know laughter is medicine?

it'll all be okay jenny

just use me once more

take me out from where

you keep me hidden

and use me just one time

just one sweet cut

she won't notice

its just one cut

but i know the truth

i know that your cutting

look me in the eyes

and tell me

that you've stopped

you can't

because we both know

you've started it up again

i can't stand her gaze

her eyes accuse me

they know i'm lying

they know i'm cutting

they've seen the scars

its okay

she won't notice

she wont

she will never know

just one

what will one

little cut do?

just a small cut

just a little relief

who shold i listen to?

i'm so confused right now

i want the knife so badly

i crave the next sweet cut

the sweet panful bliss

but i promised her

that i'd try to stop

they're pulling e apart

whispering in my ear

who should i listen to?

its okay if you cut jenny

you'll aways be my bestie

no matter what you do jenny

all i'm asking of you

is that you try to stop

i'm your friend jenny

i just want you to be happy

can't you see she's lying?

she just wants to change you

i know whats happening

you're stong jenny

but you're not strong enough

at least not yet

i can help you

i can take away the pain

remember your mom jenny?

remember the grandkids she wanted?

well i want my best fiend

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