jenny's hidden scars

886 14 15

cutter games

the knife

making your life hell

no one bothered

to notice

the scars all over your arms

we all thought

that you were fine

that nothing was wrong

we didn't know

that so much was wrong

we didn't see you scars

we didn't know you were cutting

i found out though

the day the sharpener broke

you asked for a bandaid

but that was after

you'd cut yourself

i started to notice

the scars

i saw you cutting

i couldn't beleive it

i hadn't know that you were cutting

i'm so scared

i already lost one friend to suicide

what if your next?

you stopped cutting

for a while atl east

but now

your at it again

you told me i was your best friend

but i guess it was a lie

you hid the scars

you went back to the knife

so i guess

the knife is your best friend

but i don't care

i'm not leaving you

one day

the knife will go away

until then

i'll just have to watch


as the scars appear

one after the other

and hope your still alive

the next day

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