The Flower that has yet to bloom

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your going to be beautiful when you bloom

please remember that i'm there for you always

there's no way to replace you once your gone

so don't ever leave me because i need you

we've all gone through trails like you have

you lost a lot of your leaves in the fight

but one day you'll shed all of your leaves

and your petals will bloom in all thier glory

but you have to wait for them to sprout

no two flowers are like one another

they say that the apples at the top of the tree are best

thats just how it is with flowers

the one that bloom later are the ones that had more time

because the flowers that have already bloomed are pretty

but the ones that bloomed late are a sight to behold

the frozen ground tried to end you during winter

some flowers wilted away and died

but you survived the frost

you bloomed a fighter

and from those scars

from that pain

came the beauty

the last flower to bloom

the most beautiful off all

so just hang in there

you'll bloom one day

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