what i see vs what you see (abusive boyfriend)

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I see him beating you

I see you cover the bruises up

I see your tears

You see love

You see affection

You see protection

I see him hitting you

I see him screaming at you

You see a good man

You see a good guy

Well I see a drunk

I see him hit you

I see him yelling

I see you falling

I see you bleeding

You think its fine

But I have a question for him

Do you feel like a man?

Is that why you push her?

Is that why you beat her?

The girl who’s not even

Half your size?

Is that why you do it?

He beats you

when you talk to another man

He beats you

when you go for a girl night out

He beats you

over every little thing

he doesn’t want to lose me

he doesn’t want me to get hurt

he wants me to stay safe

right next to him

are you really that blind?

what do you see in that guy?

There are plenty of other guys

Who won’t beat you like him

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