jenny the cutter

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its from my quizilla account, i'm rainingwaterfall over there, i did not steal this, its mine, i just changed the name from 'jenny' to 'jenny the cutter' because the title was to short

no one ever bothered

to look closely at her

they never saw

the scars on her arms

they never saw

when she broke the sharpener

she asked for a band-aid

but that was after

after she'd used it

to cut herself

no one noticed jenny

no one knew her

i was the only one that saw her

she cut

she yelled

she screamed

she cried

no one noticed

aside from me

i was the only one

that bothered to look

the pain she hid

worse than mine

we took solace

we knew that we weren't alone

we both had shit for a life

we grew closer as time progressed

then we grew apart

jessice started it all

she blamed you for the rumos

the ones she spread about me

i knew it was a lie

you woldn't do that

we grew distant

then we figured it out

it was becuas of her

that we'd grown so distant

you're cutting increased

you started wearing more sleeves

i did my best to disctract you

i got you addicted on chewing gum

mint gum becuame your drug

you stopped cutting

and you started on the gum

the horrid mint gum

we both loved mint gum now

that was one happy ending

you stayed alive

our friendship prevailed

you stopped cutting

you didn't leave me

four years later and we are still

the best of friends

even though

you have your group

and i have mine

that doesn't mean

we can't hang out

no one ever noticed you

i knew that feeling

my mother never noticed me

and you had no friends

we fit toghether

we have so much in common...

don't let her do it again

don't let something stupid...

that stupid rumor...

come through our friendship again

friends forever till the end Jenny

that is a promise we

are both keeping

when your mom died of cancer

i was there for you

just like you were there for me

everyone loved her tamales

i don't know how to make one

but i hope

in whatever afterlife exists

the ingredients are there

so that when we die

there will be big plates

plates full of your momes tamales

waiting just for us

just like she always made

we've made new friends

we've kept them close

until the end

but don't be sad Jenny

the end will come for all

but our deaths will take us

to where your mom is

with plate overflowing

with her tamales

yum yum

death will be tasty

but there will be other food

to eat while still here

the tamales will be desert

after long lives well lived

you stopped cutting

becuase you made friends

friendship heals everything

i hope nothing comes beetween us

i don't want to loose your friendship

i'll do whatever i have to

in order to keep it

wait for the tamales to be ready

don't go before they're made

your mom always loved kids

so give her some before you go

find the man of your dreams

make a LONG bucket list

then kick it away

but not before its done

give your mom some time

to make the tamales

and if you go before me


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