Those Hurtful Words

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AUTHORS NOTE:  you have NO IDEA what i've gone through trying to keep jenny here and to stop her from cutting. no she is NOT FAKING IT. i wish she was.i wish she was, really, but this is NOT FUNNY. She's alreay got enough issues trying to find reasons to stay alive and away from the knife witout you MOCKING her for it.  Sorry about the rant but i'm just pissed. I'm not going to say the persons name aloud but i hope you read this and realize what your words have done

you refuse to see the other side

your only see the failures

the screw ups

its easier to see the flaws

the screw ups

the things they can't do

the things they struggle with

it takes an open heart and mind

to see the other side of them

the person they are inside

its something you actually have to look for

its very easy to shatter people

to rip away the things they hold dear

the things that give them pride

that remind them there not worthless

the one sucess

among the million fails

the one sole light

in the endless dark

its easy to shatter someone

but its not easy to put them back together

did you ever think that someone was fighting

to keep them from the abyss

too keep them here

among the living?

did you ever think

of the effects your words had

on that person>

would it kill you to shut up?

to keep those hurtfull words inside?

or at least consider the effects your words will have?

your words cut like knives

those deep wounds gush blood

those wounds leave scars

and sometims they don't go away

Humpy dumpty fell off a wall

he was never put back together again

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