has you fake life caught up to you yet? Have you seen what its done?

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Every now and then your life starts up again

Its either the real you that always been there

Or the fake you created to hide behind

Can you still hold on?

Can you tell the truth from the lies?

You surround yourself with fake problems

Problems that didn't have anything real


 the latest trends

You worry about them like crazy

But what about your real problems?

Has ignoring them made anything better?

Made them go away?

Has your double-life caught up with you yet?

Have your real problems sprialed out of control?

I've seen your slip up more than once

When your hanging out with us your one person

You love to skateboard and to read books

You have an obseesion with BigMacs that still mystifies us

But when your with them?

Your a peice of melting plastic

That easily conforms to whatever mold its in

You freak out because your gained a few pounds

You go around searching for he score

Constant competition

You all want to be the most hated girl in school

The girl all the other girls secrets envy

We've all seen you slip up

Talking about make-up when we were talking about the FIFA

Mentioning a cool move you did on your board to them

We've all seen the mistakes

Your mask is slipping

Do you even know who you are?

Your little sister used to worship you

You were her idol

Did you never notice how she memorized it all?

How she started to slowly morph into you?

She knew all your favorite tricks and flips on the board

She learned how to draw animie just for you!

Do you have any idea how much she hated that?

She's not even ten and now she's trying to figure boys out


You've ripped her life to shreds

Don't you even feel a shred of remorse for that?

Have you noticed us yet?

Have you noticed all the weird silences when your around?

Do you have any idea how this makes us feel?

We trusted you with everything dammit!

You were privy to all our problems

You knew everything

Do you wonder

Why our new jokes don't make sense?

Its because you weren't there

You didn't see what happened

You didn't see the movie

You little sister is hanging with us now

You won't forive us for that offense

But what you refuse to understand

Was that you shattered her to peices

You left her all on her own

We just tried to put her back together

Pick a side already

You can't be two people

I can't make you pick a side

But I hope for your sister's sake

That you picked the right side

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