the silent killer

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it happened three times today and its scaring me and i ended up writting this. i doubt it will actually be the thing that kills me and the doctor says it will go away in a few weeks, but its  weeks where it could happen, any time, any day. so i ended up writting this.

its always there

lurking in the shadows

waiting until i least expect it

it might kill me one day

something else could kill me

but this killer is always present

hiding in the shadows

waiting for the perfect moment

suddenly i can't breathe

suddenly i start to cough

images flash before my eyes

i've seen this happen before

i've seen it happen to my friends

two of them have the same killer

its stalking all three of us

i force myself to breathe

my body goes through the actions

my sides bulge

my mouth sucks in the air

out my throat comes a desperate sound

i run for the water

i run for my medicine

whichever is closest

the water won't take it away

but it will calm it a bit

so that i can concentrate long enough

to get to my medicine

my fingers grasp the little L shape

i push down

the air rushes in

its foul taste fills my mouth

suddenly i can breathe again

releif floods me

as i take my next breath

that breath i just took

could be my last

this time

i got to the medicine fast enough

this time

everything turned out okay

but what happens

if i can't reach my medicine in time

the next time this happens?

i have no way of knowing when it will happen

it could happen during P.E

it could happen during band

it could happen during my woodshop

it could happen at home

in the middle of the night

and i'll have no warning

i'll just have to hope

thats theres water

or my medicine


and hope i don't die

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